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"I missed you, babe" Jake said hugging me. "I missed you too" I said hugging him back. "Where are my manners? Thank you for helping me, Jake" I said as I let him go. "Jake?" Kelly asked. I turned around to face her. "Yes?" Jake answered. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" Kelly asked. "Sure" Jake answered walking towards her. "I'll be right back, Mak." Jake said disappearing with Kelly.

Jake's POV


Kelly's totally mad at me, "What the heck, Jake?!" Kelly yelled at me. And I was right. "I'm sorry!" I said."I like Makenzie more than you, okay?" I confessed. Kelly glared at me, "REALLY?!" Kelly screamed at me. "Yes, now leave Makenzie and I ALONE!" I yelled at her. "I don't like you anyway!" Kelly yelled. "Yeah right, did you just decide that?" I asked laughing my way over to Makenzie. "I HATE YOU!" Kelly yelled.

"So? What'd she say?" Makenzie asked putting her arm over my shoulder. Curiosity gleamed in her hazel eyes, "Kelly WAS dating me for a while-" I started to say when Makenzie interrupted me, "What!?" Makenzie said in disbelief.The gleam in her eyes changed into a fire red color. "YOU. WHAT?!" Makenzie screamed. She was now floating in mid air, fire forming into a ball above her hands. " WHERE IS SHE" Makenzie asked me sounding like she was evil. "Are you looking for me?" Kelly said

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