Chapter .5-Curiosity Can Kill You...

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I was too freaked out about being in my bathroom so I went to use Jeremy's and Elena's. When I open the door I see Vicki Donovan brushing her teeth with my brothers toothbrush. She gives me a shocked look. And I know my face mirrors hers. Guess Jeremy got his girl and I got my guy. That sounded kind of funny calling Tyler my guy. I haven't had a real boyfriend. All the guys I ever met just made out with me. But Tyler he was the first guy I actually slept with...funny huh?

"Oh sorry. I'm almost done." I shake my head. "No, um its okay take your time." I close the door behind me and shake my head. I walk down stairs and see Aunt Jenna. "Jenna do you have the slightest clue on what is going on upstairs?"

She nods. "And you have no objection?" She sighs and looks at me. "He could be craftier about it." I smirk. "So if I'm more crafty, then I could have a boy in my room?" Aunt Jenna rolled her eyes at me. "Nice try but no Ava." I shrug. "Well you can't blame a girl for trying." I grab a bowl and pour my some cereal. "Oh and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner."

I giggle. "So your actually giving Logan another chance? Go Jenna." I give her a high five and she smiles at me. "I'm going to just show up and torture him. Then dump the scum bag to make him feel how I felt." I roll my eyes and take a nice spoonful of coco crunch. My aunt knows she's got it bad for Logan but I won't pry...for now...


Caroline was talking to me and Amber about the big Carwash tomorrow. I on the other hand wasn't listening much. Tyler and I have been texting back and forth all morning.

*So did you dream about me? ;)*

I reply back with a smile on my face.

*No, why would I dream about you when I have you. Besides I know you dream about me every night ;)*

He texts back quickly.

*Maybe I do...maybe I don't...but I know one thing. You sure can't get enough of me Ava Gilbert.*

He was right on that one. For the past three days I have been over his house "Studying" on English. But really we've mostly made out and had sex. I haven't told Elena about it. I want this to be my secret. I look up and see Elena talking to Stefan. He hasn't been around much and from what Elena told me. He said he was taking care of business. Whatever that was. I walk right by them and still feel something with Stefan . Cut it out Ava...he's Elena's boyfriend. And you have your own....


Elena had came home and threw her book bag on the floor. I frown at her and turn down the stove. I walk up to her room and see Jeremy at her door way. I stand next to him. "What's wrong Elena?" She sighs and looks up at me. "I'm miserable..." I look over at Jeremy and he puts his hands up. "Don't ask me. Clearly this is a girl thing." He backs out of the room and I walk inside and sit with Elena. "Come on Elena tell me...I'm making your favorite. Spaghetti with chicken meatballs." Elena smirks at me and pulls me closer. I lay on her lap as she strokes my hair. "Av, do you think I should trust Stefan?" I look up at her. "What did he do? Do I need to call sheriff Forbes on him?" Elena laughs at my over protectiveness. "No Ava, come on let's go finish up dinner." I hop off the bed and we both head down stairs.

We hear clinking happening in our kitchen. I look up at Elena. "Jenna?" We walk towards the kitchen and inside we see Stefan. "How the hell did you get in here?" Elena nudged me. "Ava don't be rude. Jeremy probably had let him in." I shrug and look back over at Stefan. He was cutting up some vegetables. "What are you doing here?" Elena asked as she walked up closer to him. "Making dinner for you and Ava." He smiled at me and I felt my heart race.

Elena looks at me and I shrug. "I can deal with not cooking tonight." I sit and watch him keep cutting. "Jeremy told me that chicken Parmesan is one of your favorites. And I happen to be a good cook. Italian roots demand it. I can even make my own homemade mozzarella. Only tonight, it is, unfortunately, store-bought. Sorry." Elena just looked at him and sighed.

"I don't know what you're trying to accomplish." Stefan smirked at my sister. "You said you wanted to get to know me, right?" Elena nods and hell I nod too. "Well, I figure if you're gonna dump me..."

I gasp and flick my sisters arm. "Elena you were gonna dump him? Come on this guy can cook, and he's good looking." I blush at that last part and look everywhere but at Stefan. "Thanks for your two cents Ava." Elena says with a giggle. I scoff. "Oh please. I contributed a whole dollar." I reach over and snag the mozzarella. I smell it and sigh. This smells pretty good. Strong but good...

Stefan was telling us about Katherine. Elena was helping him cut while I cooked the chicken. "She was the most beautiful girl that I had ever met. She had this perfect olive skin. And she had this laugh. It was ridiculous. I mean, her laugh made you laugh. And she was fun. She knew how to have a good time. But Katherine was also very impatient and entitled and selfish and impulsive. Enter Damon. He claims that he was with her first. I don't know. I do know that I did some things that I'm not proud of.... And my biggest regret... Is not being able to make it right before she died. I miss her but, I'm no longer crippled by her loss."

Wow he must have really loved her... Elena stood silent for a moment. " the mist of changing the subject, what do you like to do for fun Stefan?" I asked as I removed the cooked chicken off of the stove. He told us about how he liked to read in his spare time. He liked the taxi driver. Funny that's my favorite movie to. He told us that he liked all sort of music. Even that one Miley Cyrus song. (You know that song haha.)

Suddenly I hear Elena say "ouch" and runs over to the sink. I walk over to her and see the cut on her finger. "It's okay Ava it's just a little cut." I frown at her and look up. "Stefan, what's going on with your eyes?" He turns away so I no longer see his reflection. Elena wraps her hand and goes over to Stefan. "Your face." Elena goes to touch him but he moves away. "Yeah, I think I got something in my eye."

"Here let me look." Stefan still refused to let my sister see. "No it's fine really don't worry about it Elena." My sister wasn't taking no for an answer. She stepped in front of him and she sighed. "See I'm okay." Stefan smiled at her. His face...why did it look like that? "Okay I seriously think that my paranoia has turned into full-blown hallucinations." Stefan steps closer to Elena. "That part of your charm." They look each other in the eyes and slowly go in for the kiss.

I roll my eyes and make a gag face. "Don't mind me. The little sister who happens to be in the room while you two practice on making babies." Elena laughs and they both look over at me. "Sorry Ava." I shake my head. "No biggie, well I'll leave you two alone. I have someone to call." I start walking backwards out of the kitchen. "Who? A boyfriend?" Stefan says to me. I smirk.

"Actually yes...a boyfriend." Elena's eyes widen. "Ava..." I cut her off. "Bye Elena have fun with Stefan and remember don't have sex on the kitchen table. We do eat breakfast there." I wink and take off running to my room. I hear Elena call after me but I don't answer.

I felt jealousy when I saw them kiss. I had pictured me being held by Stefan. I pictured me being kissed by Stefan....I need a distraction. I pick up my phone and call Tyler. He answers on the second ring. "Hey Ava, what's up?" I smile hearing his voice over the phone. "Not much just need my daily fix of the Lockwood if you know what I mean." I hear him chuckle. "Want me to come over?"

"No, I'll come over to your place just make sure you keep your window unlocked this time."


"No friend discounts. No freebies. No pay-you-laters. We are not running a charity here."

Caroline was telling Elena and I the rules on the car wash. In other words no free washes or we are so going to suffer the wrath of Caroline Forbes. "Hi." I look up and see Stefan. Elena smiles at him and gives him a big hug. Caroline clears her throat. "Stefan the event is called sexy suds." I roll my eyes. She literally had to hold me down to put on my bikini top. I was going to wear a t-shirt a white one. You know so if it gets wet then it could be sexy. Yeah not in Caroline's eyes. I still had a hoodie on though. "Did we just get scolded?" Stefan asked Elena as Caroline walked away with a smirk. "Oh yeah Stef." I say with another eye roll towards Caroline's back. Elena had a sneaky smile on her face as she looked at Stefan. "Well, I'm sorry but it seems like you're gonna have to take that off." He looks at Elena and smirks. "You first."

I groan. "Oh for the love of God." I strip off my hoodie an tie it around my waist. Stefan's eyes looked right at my boobs then looked away. Hmm I see the girls still have that magic. "You two can make googley eyes, I'm going to go wash some cars and find my boyfriend." Elena frowned. "Ava who is he?" I smile and blow her a kiss as I walk away. I went over to help Bonnie wash a few cars and looked around for Tyler. He said he would come but did I really want him to?

Tiki was acting like a bitch towards one guys car. So when he bent down to get the bucket of water it literally splashed her right in the face. How in the hell did that happen? Bonnie had stepped back and a smirk was on her face as she walked away. What was that all about? I find Stefan alone washing a car and I decide to have some fun. I take the water hose and turn it on full blast then point it directly at Stefan. He jumped and I slapped my knee laughing. "You think this is funny?" I look back at a pissed off Stefan. Oh shit...

"Your turn!" He smiles at me and grabs a bucket of water. "No! Stefan don't!" I go running in the parking lot trying to get away from Stefan. He's really fast. I turn around and slam into someone. When I look I see its Stefan and the full bucket of water. I back up. "Come on Stefan, I was just playing around you wouldn't really throw water on me right?" He steps up to me and smiles. "That all depends. Do you think I make a good boyfriend to your sister?" No, I think you'd make a good boyfriend to me. But I can't say that. "Yup, now put the bucket down."

He puts it down and steps back. This was too easy. I grab the bucket with quickness that I didn't even know I had and dump the water on him. How did I do that? I laugh harder and hear Stefan clear his throat. I look up and hold in my laugh. "Huh? What? Okay I'll be right there Elena!" I take off running so Stefan wouldn't chase me again. I find Elena at the money box.

I sit next to her and rest my chin on my arm. "Having fun yet?" I look over and sigh. "As much fun as a slug in salt." Elena pats my shoulder as an old man comes up. "I'd like a car wash please." I smile up at him. "That will be 20 dollars sir." He hands me the twenty and I place it in the box. Elena looks at him with a frown. "I saw you last night. You were talking to a friend of mine. At the Grill."

The man thinks for a moment. "Well, I though it was somebody I knew." I listen to them conversate. "Stefan Salvatore." The man frowns as he thinks again. "No it can't be. It was just my mind playing tricks on me."

"Where do you think you'd seen him before?" My sister asked. Now I'm curious about this whole Stefan Salvatore mystery. "When I first moved here. I stayed at the Salvatore boarding house. Stefan was just passing through to visit his uncle...." Wait why does that sound so familiar? "...I mean, none of us knew he was even here until the attack."

"What attack?" I say without even realizing I was budding in the conversation. The man looked over at me. "His uncle got killed. Mauled by an animal in the woods." I felt a shiver and rubbed my arms already feeling the goosebumps. "His uncle? Zach?" Elena asked with confusion on her face. The man shook his head. "No, Joseph."

"I'm sorry sir I don't think I'm familiar with the story." Me either... "Well how could you? I mean, this happened years ago." Tiki had came over and told the older gentleman who happens to be her grandfather that he had to go home with her mom. The man smiles at his granddaughter and walks away. "He wasn't bugging you guys was he? He's has a little Alzheimer signs." We both shake our heads and she walks away. I look over at Elena.

"No, Ava you're not getting involved." I glare at her. "You're not stopping me. Besides, I refuse to have you do this alone. Remember I'm your sister and sidekick now lets go get some answers." I get up but Elena pulls me down. "I mean it Ava." I sigh and look at her. "Please Elena. I need a distraction. I don't want to keep thinking about those night terrors and I don't want Stefan around you if he's a bad guy. So please just let me help." Elena sighs knowing she can't stop me. I get up and run towards the old man. "Excuse me sir but are you sure that the man you saw...that you knew. His name was Stefan Salvatore?" He man nods. "Yes. I remember his ring and his brothers."

"Damon?" He nods again. "Yeah. Stefan and Damon Salvatore." I felt the shock on my face but pushed it away and thanked the man."One more thing sir. What year was the attack?" The man rubs his chin for a moment. "It was early June, 1953. Yeah June, 1953."

I ran back over to Elena and told her everything. "Are you sure your right?" I nod. "Elena he even talked about those rings we saw on Stefan and Damon's finger the night of the dinner. Plus how many Stefan and Damon Salvatore's are there in the world?" Elena walks away from me and goes over to Stefan. I keep my distance. No way I want to be near him now. I feel my pocket buzz and I pull out my phone.

*Sorry couldn't make it. Mom is making me help her plan the next get together. Big SNOOZE FEST!*

I giggle at the text and look back up as Elena walks back over to me. "I think he's lying." I glare at Stefan and look around to find aunt Jenna. "Elena come one lets go see if we can look at those news records for June 1953. Maybe Aunt Jenna's boyfriend can help us out." We walk over to her and I lay my head in her shoulder. "Jenna, you know your car was done like an hour ago right?" She scowls at me playfully. "And you say that out loud because...?"

Logan walks up to us and smiles. "Hi. You two must be Elena and Ava. Jenna's told me so much about you." We politely smile as say our hellos. "I think I met you and Elena once when she was 9 and your were 7 with your twin brother Jeremy right?" I nod and give him my best smile. Jenna and Logan both poke fun at each other and I look at Elena and mouth her to ask him. "Jenna, is he enough in your good graces that Ava and I can ask him for a favor?"

Logan looks at Jenna. "If I do them a favor, will I get back in your good graces?" Jenna sighs. "A very reluctant "maybe" to both." Elena and I both pout and give her the look. "Please Aunt Jenna." I say as I bat my lashes. Logan chuckles. "How could you say no to a face like that?" Jenna sighs. "Okay fine. But as for you Logan you have some extra sucking up to do." Elena wraps her arm around me and gives me a side hug.

"Done. Wait one condition. Dinner tonight, your house." Elena and I both look impressed with Logan. "Fine. But you're eating leftovers." Logan smiles at Jenna remark an then looks over at us. "What do you girls need?" Elena jumps in. "Do you have access to old news stories, say, '50s?" Logan nods. "Yeah at the station. Between the archives and the Internet. We have everything."

"Ava has this report due and she wanted me to help her out. You'd be a lifesaver if you could help us." Logan smiles at us. "Well I'm going there now. Lets go." I look over at Aunt Jenna. "If anyone don't know where we went. I don't want Caroline to know that we left." Elena looks over at Stefan and I pull her towards Logan's news van....


Logan had brought us into the station and told us about the upgrades they had. So instead of looking through some old musty news papers we could look at the digital and computerized stuff. "So what is it that you two are looking for?" I come up with a good lie. "An incident from 1953. If it even the old Salvatore boarding house." Logan's phone starts to ring. "Um I have to take this. But again feel free to look for what ever you need...and do you think you girls can give a good word in for me. You know for Jenna." I shrug. "I'm sure we can put in a good word. Right Elena?"

"Of coarse." We smile at him as he leaves the room with his phone to his ear. We wait until logan was gone and elena began to type down some key words down.

I was thinking about this. What if Stefan is like some crazy killer who never ages? Or worst he's some cyborg. I know I really need to stop watching Freddy slasher movies. Elena pulls up an old video clip and we watch it in silence. My eyes go wide and I point to the screen. "Please tell me my eyes are playing tricks on me." On the black and white clip we see a young man. And he looked exactly like Stefan. The hair and close were a little different but that was defiantly Stefan. "Impossible..." My sister whispered. We both look at each other than back at the clip of Stefan...


I lay in bed that night feeling confused and scared. My thoughts spin. People are born, they grow old, and then they die. That's the world we live in.This same sentence repeated over and over in my head. can Stefan look the same ways from all those years ago? I think back to those moments. His face...his strange behavior towards my sister...his reaction when I had that cut on my leg...

I slip into a deep sleep...


"!" I turn around and see Elena running away from me. Why would I run? What from? I turn around and I see Stefan standing there. But he doesn't look right. "Stefan what's going on?" I step to him and he just looks at me. "Ava...get away from him!" I turn and see Elena. Before I could ask her why I feel a hand wrapped around my throat. "You should have ran when you had the chance." I look in to his eyes and they turn veiny. His teeth lengthen and I feel the scream building in my throat. He bites down into my neck and the world goes black...


My eyes shoot open and I feel the sun shining bright in my face. "Vampire..." When I look around I notice something terrifying. I'm not in my room or in the bathroom. I'm standing near the edge the lake where my parents drown. The panic attack hits me hard and I drop to my knees. Shaking. "No, no, no, no." I'm filled with to much emotion that I didn't even realize the clouds had darkened. I lay on the ground crying and soon feel the rain fall on me. Why am I here? What's happening to me?


The Broken Gilbert...(A TVD FAN-FIC) •Under Editing• ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now