Chapter. 11~ No Regrets...

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"Let me out of here!!!!" I scream as I yank at my chains. "Are you still going to try and kill your sister?" Damon says with a smirks. "Every chance I get." I laugh feeling my dark side spread in my heart. "You're staying in here then." He walks out of the room and I scream louder making the whole house rumble....


The house rumbles and I see Damon coming down stairs. "You know provoking her makes this situation worse." He shrugs and tosses a football.

"It's been a few days since the whole prom incident and she still has a strong will to kill Elena." I toss the ball back. "True, but Elena did try to snap her neck." Damon tosses the ball back.

"Well how are we going to get them both to settle this without killing each other?" He asks. "They both need their emotions back on. But how to turn them on. Ava ditched her plan on waiting for us to turn Elena's humanity back on. And Elena wants to kill Ava because she knows Silas wants her."

I really don't like the idea of him near Ava. Ever.

"Okay, humanity switches back on. But what's going to happen when Ava and Elena get crushed with those emotions of when they lost Jeremy. And did you forget that Ava is some crazy chaotic goddess who can probably kill us with a flood of she cries hard enough?"

I toss the football back. "It's simple, you have Elena. So you can use the sire bond help her. As for Ava, I still have no clue..."



I'll let them believe that I have my emotions back. And when I get close enough to Elena, I'll just wipe her out. I look at my dress and and smile. "That dress looks really beautiful." Amber says as she fixes my hair.

"Thanks, and I have to say. We are going to be some hot ass girl dates." She giggles. "I can't believe that Caroline is letting us go." I scoff. "Oh please. I would have crashed that prom regardless." We get ready for the limo that her dad got for us. "Thanks Mr. Walker. I'll be sure Amber has a blast." I take her hand and we walk out.

When we get to the place Amber gasps. "Omigod! Caroline used all of the old pictures." I look and see a picture me, Elena and Jeremy on the first day of school. I was in my cheer uniform and Jeremy had me on his back.

"Did I mention that I'm sorry about your loss?" Amber says as she pats my shoulder. I shrug. "My brothers dead. I moved on. Now lets go dance. Oh and if you see Elena, let me know. Okay?" She gives me a funny look but nods as I walk in without her.

I scan the room looking for Elena. "Ava..." I turn and see Stefan. "Have you seen my sister?" I ask him. "No, but I think she's around here with Damon." I start to walk away but he stops me. "Please tell me you're not going on with killing your sister."

I smile at him. "I actually want to say I'm sorry to her. The way I said those things to her before I burned the house down was wrong." Stefan looks at me and smiles. "Your emotions are back?" I nod and cross my fingers behind me. "That's great, now maybe you can help get your sister's emotions back."

"Anything to help." Stefan kisses my cheek and I feel myself blush. Why did I do that? "Save me a dance. I need to go talk with Damon." I nod and see him walk off....


I can't stand that all of my so called loved ones are trying to convince me to turn my humanity back on. Better yet Stefan and Damon haven't looked for the cure but I feel that they are planning something. Rebekah was looking pathetic.

I walk over to her. "You should have just compelled yourself a date." I say to her. "I can't and you know that. In order for Elijah to give me the cure I have to be human for the night." I take a sip of punch and see my sister.

"What if I get rid of something or someone. Silas needs my sister and that cure. He also needs Bonnie. Choose who you want dead and I'll kill them." She gives me frown. "You know I really do miss the old Elena." I shrug. "Fine, lets see. Bonnie is a witch. But Ava is a Goddess. Little fish, Big fish?" I look at Ava and feel my hunger rise. "Bye bye little sister..."


This prom sucks. I drink some punch and turn down a few seniors who wanted to dance with me. April Young had announced that Matt and Bonnie were Prom king and queen. I clap my hands and roll my eyes. Where in the hell is my sister? Maybe she's outside. I put my cup down and head outside to look for her.

The wind blows hard and I rub my arms. "You should have brought a jacket." I smile hearing her voice. "Want to get me a jacket then?" She appears in front of me. "No, I'd rather snap your spine." She grabs my head but I push her.

Crack her bones...

I giggle and ball my hand in a fist. I hear Elena's bones crunching. "Ahhh!" She screams. "You know, I have been thinking about how I was going to kill you. But I think snapping your neck and bleeding you out would be perfect. Just like how our brother died." I think about her arms breaking and they snap. "Ahhhh!"

Kill her...kill her!

I suddenly fall to my knees holding my head. "Ahhhhhh!!!!!" I turn to see Bonnie. "Stop! Make it stop!" I see Damon jam a needle in Elena's neck and she passes out. "Ava..." I turn to see Stefan and I reach for him. "It hurts..." I cry out. The world spins and I fall with my hand in his...



I go up to the room and feel pure cold air. Ava was laying there with her eyes cold. "Are you in here to let me out?" She asks me. "I'll let you out when you turn your emotions on." She giggles and looks at me with black eyes.

The Broken Gilbert...(A TVD FAN-FIC) •Under Editing• ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now