A less awkward pax

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Kurt's POV

"I can't believe it's only been two weeks" I say, stretching slightly, yawning.

"Is that my shirt?" Zisteau asks, smiling goofily at me.

"Nooooo.... totally isn't yours" I reply, not able to keep the smile off my face.

"It looks good on you though" Zisteau winks

I feel my face heat up "it makes you not being here a little easier" I admit

"Yeah. it's been hard not having you around. It's not like we won't see each other again."

"Yeah, I know. It's just hard... especially since we've gotten so close"

"We could always fly out to Pax early and spend a few days together before the convention."

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"There's actually something I wanted to discuss with you" Tyler says, becoming serious

I instantly become worried, not knowing what he'd want to talk about.


"I was thinking that we tell the other Mindrackers about us"

I just stare at Tyler for a second, confused on why he'd brought this up

"What brought this up exactly?"

"It's just, not being able to act like we're together around them. It's stressful and I hate it."

"I mean... I guess we could... it just uh... I dunno.... makes me worried."


"What if they don't approve? what if they hate us?"

"Kurt.... listen to me, they'll be ok with it, and even if they aren't, it won't matter. All that matters is that I love you."

"I love you too."

"We'll tell them at Pax then?"

"Yeah. But lets not tell the fans yet"

"Oh, I totally agree with that"


The second I step into the main area of the airport I'm being hugged tightly. I hug Tyler back just as tightly.

"I missed you so much!" I say, unable to keep the pure joy out of my voice.

"I missed you too!"

I lean in and kiss him passionately, missing the feeling.

When we finally pull away, we just hold each other close

"It's been too long, Tyler."

"I know and I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault, I'm just glad we get to see each other again"


"Lets head to dinner" I say, intertwining our fingers and heading through the crowded airport.


Tyler and I head into the 'Crack' house, being greeted by a few of the other Mindcrackers.

"Hey guys" Tyler says

"Your guys' room is on the second floor. should be easy to find, Aurey labeled each door with sparkly name tags." Guude says, laughing as he mentions the name tags.


We head upstairs, finding our room easily. once we put our stuff away, Tyler takes my hands in his, looking very serious

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