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For some people lying is an easy way out. For some people, it's the most simple thing ever. But for Valentine Lestrange, it was her entire existence...


Valentine Lestrange hummed contentedly as she stared out the large window of her bedroom. The grey clouds loomed above the manor and its large green grounds. Not only was it always gloomy there, but the air was always cold and the sky was always dark. This was something that was simply excepted by the residents of the manor. Besides, a place like Malfoy Manor was hardly worthy of sunlight.

The small girl who sat upon the window seat turned her head to the several suitcases carrying her belongs that sat beside her grand four poster bed.

This year she was eleven years old, this year she would attend Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry for the first time. This year her work would truly begin.

She'd been waiting for almost three years for the day her life would take a drastic change of pace. The emotions mixed together in her chest, making the distinction between excitement and anxiousness impossible.

Valentine was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a knock at her door.

"Who is it?" She called from her place at the window seat. Her voice carried a remarkable concoction of boredom and malice. A mixture she'd perfected over the years.

"It's Haley, Miss!" Her maid called back to her through the wooden door.

"Come in."

Show time.

There were certain things Valentine had to do to fool everyone who met her beyond the shadow of a doubt. Friend, family, foe. It didn't matter who they were for her mission was of great importance. It was easily the most important thing she would ever do. Even then, before she had begun, she knew.

The dark-haired maid entered the room and shut the door behind her, arms full of freshly washed linen.

"I thought you were supposed to have that done hours ago." Valentine stood with her hands on her hips and a blazing glare in her electric blue eyes as she looked upon the older girl.

"Well, Miss, it's-it's just that..." The maid stuttered, frozen in fear of the small girl, fearful of what she might do to her this time.

"Haley..." The girl scolded darkly, taking one small step towards the maid. "Do you need me to remind you of what happens when you fail to perform your duties properly?"

"No, Miss." The girl mumbled, completely frozen with dread.

"Are you sure?" Valentine asked, suddenly right beside her and brushing her dark hair aside, whispering darkly up at her.

It has to be done. This could save her life, this could save a million lives.

The maid jumped, her heart pounding harshly against her rib cage, her skin cold to touch and covered with goosebumps.

If I succeed it will save millions of lives.

"Y-y-yes, Miss."

I have to save those lives.

"Then you better get to it, Haley," Valentine whispered dangerously, her electric blue eyes telling a silent story of hate and loathing.

I have to succeed.

Haley rushed to replace the linen on her bed, her hands still shaking.

It's all for the sake of my reputation. All of this madness.

"Oh, and Haley?"

Valentine could feel the guilt hidden far at the back if her mind. She ignored it as she had for years and hoped it would stay there, fearing the havoc it would play on her mind if ever unleashed.

"Yes, Miss?"

Valentine smirked coldly and placed her fingertip lightly on the edge of a vase sitting on a small table by the door. She gently pushed it over the side.

The maid jumped as the vase crashed to the hardwood floor with a sickening crack, ceramics shattering in every direction.

"Clean that up."

I'm so sorry.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄~ {The Lestrange Daughter #1} Where stories live. Discover now