𝟒𝟏. Strange

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"They're waiting to see which one of us is going to petrify the other."

"Was that Lockhart looking like a rainbow reject?"

"It's too early in the day for my brain to be forced to comprehend the words 'graceful noodlage'."

"I always wanted a wife."

"Professor McGonagall! They've been found. All of them. They're all alive."

"I know that means something to you bloody Malfoy's, but blood ties doesn't give him the right to hurt you."

"It appears I win due to the sudden and gratifying death of my rival."


"Why does she have bigger balls than every male in this school combined?"

"Professor...Did you just spike my drink?"

"Things can't go on like this. Another person will die, Albus."

"You've been a failure since day one. Even got your parents killed in the process."

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself."

"I'm here under duress."

"Fame is a fickle friend, Harry. Celebrity is, as celebrity does. Remember that."

"How do we stop a monster when we don't even know what it is?"

"Last time I checked I wasn't put on this Earth to get married."

"You can tell Draco that he has disappointed me. Through your influence no doubt."

"If you haven't noticed, it's us against them. And you're one of us. That means when they screw with one of us, they screw with all of us. Do you understand?"

"All you Lestrange's are madmen."


Valentine woke, eyes opening to a dark hospital wing and the sound of quiet chatter.

"-no, I think she'd be better as an Auror." Said a voice Valentine realised was Blaze's. "She could beat up all the people she wanted with a job like that."

"But then she'd have to take orders from the Ministry." Olivia pointed out, "I don't think she'd like that."

"Well, then that crosses off any Ministry positions." Liam hummed.

Valentine had her back turned to them. It was obvious they believed her to be asleep. She was only in the hospital wing because Madam Pomfrey had insisted. She'd noticed how exhausted she was and all but forced a sleeping draught on her. That had been in the late afternoon, now it was pitch black outside.

"Maybe she could write books?" Olivia suggested. "She could do research or create new spells and potions."

"Hmm, yeah, but doesn't seem a bit tame for Val?" asked Blaze. "I know she's a super genius and all, but just because she's smart doesn't mean she's doomed to scholarly life."

"Doomed? Really? Val might like that sort of job," Liam said.

"Yes and it won't be all ink and theories," Olivia added. "She could do fieldwork. She'd probably want to do something no one else has ever done before and that'll take a lot of research and not the book kind."

"I still think she would need a job where she'd get to beat people up."

"Maybe that's just the job you want her to want." Said Liam.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄~ {The Lestrange Daughter #1} Where stories live. Discover now