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It's now been eight months for Harry and I. He's a little bugger I tell you. We fight over the stupidest things. Like what fork to use on a salad and why even use separate forks at home. Yes, stupid really. I agree. 

Harry and I are almost like a married couple the way we talk to each other and fight. It feels like we've been together for years. But I love him. So it's fine I guess.

But right now Harry and I are sitting in white wooden chairs hand in hand waiting for Liam and Niall's wedding to start.

Harry and I helped plan out everything. They wanted a winter wonderland wedding in January. It's really pretty actually. Harry and I did well.

"We did so well on decorating honey." Harry said as he looked around.

"I was thinking the same thing." I said and cuddled into his side.

"This might be us someday Lou." he said as he looked down at me smiling.

I looked up at him.

"You want to get married to me?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Someday." he nodded.

I smiled to myself at that. I would love to have a family with Harry. Having little kids running around the house, having his last name, waking up to his beautiful face every morning, getting morning and night kisses, making love to him every single night even though we still haven't done anything yet. It would be prefect.

Just then the music started and Liam walked down the isle. Liam walked with our mom. Then Niall walked down with his mom. Liam and Niall looked outstanding. Liam was wearing a black suit and Niall had on a white suit. 

They met at the front. They started making their vows and promises. It was all lovely. Niall even cried. Baby. But at the end when they kissed I finally let Niall in as a brother. Yes I've always considered him a brother but now it's final and I couldn't be happier.

"That was lovely." Harry said as he kissed my head as we stayed there sitting.

"It was wasn't?"

"Yes." he smiled.

We then got up and walked hand in hand to Liam and Niall.

"That was amazing. Congrats guys." Harry said hugging them.

"Congrats Liam." I said and hugged him. "And welcome to the family Ni." I said picking him up and swinging him around.

"Okay, okay let me down." he said laughing.

"Sorry." I laughed. 

Liam was looking at Niall with hunger the whole time. Damn. Didn't know getting married makes your spouse a meal.

Harry and I then went to the reception which was gorgeous as well.

"Would you like to dance?" Harry asked me when a slow song came on.

"I'd love to." I smiled and took his hand.

We walked to the floor. He put his hands around my waste as I put mine around his neck. He rested his head on mine and we moved like that. It was slow and peaceful.

"Louis I hope you know that I love you more then life." Harry said to me as the song surround us.

"I know." I smiled.

"I don't ever want to loose you." he said pulling me closer to him so he was now hugging me while slowly moving.

"You wont ever loose me."

"You never know for sure."

"Harry is something going on?" I said looking up at him concerned.

"No. I just wanted to share my feelings with you."

"Well know that I love you and won't leave you."

"Good." he said and brought his lips down to mine.

Then a twerking type song came on and the lights went down. The only lights where random light bursts going across the room. I looked around and saw Niall and Liam grinding on each other. Same with the other guest.

"Only at Niall and Liam's wedding." Harry laughed.

I laughed too.

"You know you do look hot tonight." Harry whispered hotly into my ear and then started to kiss me down my neck.

"Harry." I moaned lowly as he started to suck.

"Dance on me baby?" he asked.

I turned around and pushed my bum against his crotch. I rubbed it and swayed it in slow circles at first and then went faster as the beat grew. I went hard core dancing on him. It's the closet thing to sex we can have right now.

Harry gripped onto my sides and I shuddered as his breath hit the back of my neck. I bent down a little more and rubbed harder. Harry gripped the back of my neck as his hips snapped to meet mine. Let's just say the night ended with one heated make out session.


Liam and Niall tied the knot!

I hope your enjoying the story so far :)

But lets just say don't get to comfortable.

Plus I've got a new story coming called Precious! So please go check it out once I post it!~ Ash

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