The Ritual (1)

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Alpha Scott Winters stood there fiddling with his white bow tie at the sacred piece of ground used only for the bonding of a pup to a piece of jewellery, in hopes that one day the article would lead them to their mate. 

 This particular spot where Scott stood was used for many years. Generations of the Winters bloodline stood in this spot where he was waiting for his mate and wife Bree to finish preparing his baby girl Shay for her special day. As Scott stood amongst thousands of his pack members patiently he didn't know why he was so nervous, he had done this just four and a half years ago with his son Bryson and hundreds if not thousands of times before that for other pups in his pack because as alpha this was his duty, his responsibility as leader to help guide each and every pup to their mate.

Yet he was nervous... super nervous... Maybe just as nervous as he was the day Bree decided to marry him and make him the happiest wolf on the planet. More nervous than that day Bree went into labor with Bryson and he was afraid that he was going to miss the birth of his first born child because he was in France on pack business. Why might you ask, was the alpha so nervous?

Because this was his baby girl the one he would go to the ends of the earth and back for to keep the smile she had on her face there forever.

Today was a big day for him, he loved both Bryson and Shay equally, he even knew that once Bryson came of age and found his mate, his son would have the opportunity to have a she wolf steal his heart out of his chest and wear it as her most prized possession. The Same way Bree does every day, but Scott knew that his baby girl would one day have a man fight to the ends of the earth to make her happy just like he does, and he hated it.

He understood it and he knew it needed to happen but he hated the thought of some good for nothing male taking his daughter away from him.

She was only one and a half for god sakes she barely started to walk and here he was about to tie his daughter to an accessory just so that she can meet her mate after her sixteenth birthday.

This was absurd! Who's idea was this? He had the right mind to call this whole thing off.

"Don't you dare ruin this for our daughter Scott Winters!" He heard his wife say through their link.

"Babe you don't understand my reasoning for it." He replied urgently.

"Oh yes I do, your thoughts are open to me Scott I can hear everything you are thinking right now. Think about how mad she'd be if when she got older, she was unable to find her mate. Remember this same ritual you are so quick to dismiss is what lead you to me, don't forget that." She answered back so sure of herself.

Scott knew his mate was right he was just being an overprotective father.

"Fine hurry up and get your fine ass down here so that we can do this before I change my mind."

Bree chuckled at her husband through their mind link. She knew that this was hard for him because of how overprotective he was of Shay, but she understood because she felt the same way when Bryson had his ritual. She had to take two shots of tequila before the thing even started to keep her emotions at bay.

"Don't rush me it is not my fault that your daughter has chosen today out of all other days to fuss at me."

" that's my girl" Scott replied with pride. "She's just fussy because she knows how ridiculous this is."

Bree scoffed and made her way outside of the pack house with their baby girl. "Whatever, she wouldn't even let me put the headband on her head so after this you take her, she's all yours for the remainder of the evening." Bree replied.

"Ha ha fine you can have Bryce he keeps singing the rescue heroes theme song so I'd rather have Shay because she can't talk." He bragged.

Scott loved the way that Bree could automatically undo his tension with a little playful banter.

"Fine fine I take it back I'll keep Shay you can have Bryson." Bree stated urgently.

Scott was so comfortable with the conversation he was having with his wife through their link he almost forgot where he was.

As he looked up from the ground he saw his beautiful sexy wife walking down the stoned path in a floor length white sundress with the sun beaming on her soft caramel skin, while holding his little curly haired beauty who lit up his world every time he saw her.

"Not a chance babe I get Shay you get Bryce no take backs. You look beautiful."
Bree gave her mate an award winning smile before handing their daughter to Scott.

"Thanks lover" she said aloud.

"Let's get this thing started shall we?" Alpha Winters winked at his wife and turned to the pack members.

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to join Luna and I in setting our baby girl Shay down the right path. I have done this ritual time and time again but I think that I can speak for all the men out there when I say that it is a different feeling when your baby girl is the one being bounded." Scott explained while hearing deep laughter from the male wolves.

"So sundown is less than two minutes away. After the ceremony which should last about ten minutes you all are free to go back to your houses and change for the night run, and at around 9:00pm that is when the fun starts and we get to celebrate the right way." An eruption of cheering rippled through the crowd Alpha Scott could barely stop the foolish grin on his face. 

Just seeing his pack come together like this for his daughter made him swell with pride. These rituals didn't require all of the pack members. It never has, some prefer for it to be an intimate ceremony with just the Alpha, the pup, and the parents. Today though, every single pack member showed up to support the Alpha family, and it felt amazing.

"So without further ado, on this day moon goddess I am giving you my hope and joy so that one day my pup will find her mate. With the blood of myself, my mate , and my daughter Shay Julianna Winters we are binding her blood to this bracelet so that on her sixteenth birthday it will help her on her journey to find her mate. And may the moon, the stars, and the night sky remain as we have for generations and for generations to come."


A/N --- Hey guys I am so excited to write this book I am already in love with my characters so I hope you all enjoy this and I also hope you will comment with things you like about this story. This is only the prologue, I just want to see how it does first before I post more so Like or favourite or vote whatever you do on Wattpad. Thank you....

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