Half a World Away (4)

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CAUTION ***** Explicit language *****


I felt an arm around me but I didn't quite know why. My eyes were closed and I'm pretty sure I'm in my bed but why would someone be cuddling me?

I slowly opened my right eye and saw brown hair with blond highlights on my chest. There is only one person that this could be.

"Mierda! Rebecca get the fuck off me." I said pushing her away from me so I could get up.

I didn't realize my own strength and she went over the bed onto the floor.

"Ow! Luca relax what the hell is your problem?."

"Watch who you're talking to Rebecca don't fucking pass your place!" I yelled at her slowly getting angry and annoyed with her attitude.

"You already know the rules correct? So why the hell do I wake up and find you in my bed."

"Luca I didn't realize it was such a big deal! We've been at this for months." This girl must have been bumped on her head as a child....ALOT.

"What exactly have we been at for months Rebecca?"

"This thing! This relationship Luca! I think we have been together long enough that I can stay overnight especially after we have sex."

" Are you deaf? Or are you just extremely stupid? We are not in a relationship Rebecca we never have been. I remember telling you specifically that what we're doing here is just sex. There is no cuddling, and definitely no staying the night. And you know what? You've just reminded me of something." I snapped my fingers at her.

"And what is that?" she replied giving me a very turned off look, with her hands on her hips.

"We've been at this for way too long and you have officially overstayed your welcome" I replied cheekily.

"Excuse me" She yelled.

"Seriously chica you need to get your ears checked, I'm not repeating myself. Get out!" I screamed while approaching her.

She was fuming I could feel it radiating off of her as if she spent three minutes heating in the microwave. As soon as I got close enough her left hand came into my line of view.

Was she trying to do what I think she's trying to do?

Before she could even think about it I blocked her hand from hitting my face.

"Tsk Tsk Rebecca I thought you were smarter than that. See this is why I don't have overnight guests. They get too...what is the word I'm looking for?Attached? no. more like clingy. Yes! That is the word.

They get clingy and start wanting more than what I'm offering. That is why our little arrangement here needs to end." I spoke to her very firmly but calm, but when I looked up at her she was still red in the cheeks.

"Where is your heart Luca! I'm so tired of your disrespectful shit! All you do is just use girls and then throw us away like we mean nothing to you." she yelled.

I ignored her.

"I'll just pretend that you didn't just try to hit me, but try that shit again and I promise you I'll break your hand so badly, not even the world's best surgeons will be able to fix it Claro?"

"Si" she looked at me with such fear and anger.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you correctly" I replied still holding onto her hand giving it a little squeeze.

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