Dress to Impress (3)

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we were finishing up breakfast when the chime from our front door went off.

"Hello! I smell Waffles. The Belgian type." Yelled my best friend Valentina as she was walking into the house.

"Hey Val" I yelled as she she was walking towards me. "Hey gorgeous happy glow day" she replied giving me a huge hug.

"Thanks babe"

"Valentina we gave you a key to the house for what reason?" my dad lectured her.

"For emergencies uncle Scott" she looked at him confused.

"And is the reason you came barging in the house today classified as an emergency?" dad asked raising his brow.

"um yes, today is my girls birthday, if there is any special day to come barging in, it's today." she replied nonchalantly. My dad just shook his head and went back to texting.

Valentina Solano is my best friend, she has always been. Our dads and her mom have been best friends since they were in elementary school, and when my dad met my mom in high school she joined the group, and they have all been inseparable ever since. Val's dad uncle Vinny, is also the Beta of the pack.

Val used to knock and ring the doorbell once upon a time, but my parents gave in and gave her a key because of how frequent she visits and sleeps over. Every time she comes barging in the house my dad gives her hell about it, but no matter how hard he lectures her, that key will be used for everything other than emergencies.

"So what's on the Agenda today?" Val asked while fixing herself a plate of breakfast.

"We're leaving for the mall in 30 minutes. Mani, Pedi's at 1:00 Hair Salon at 2:30, and then we have to be ready to leave for Moon Hall for 6:00. Oh and we have to go to Bella's to pick up my dress. Pretty much a full day of pampering." I replied

"Wait why are we going to the mall? I thought you had everything."

"So did I, but look what my mom decided to wear today." I stated pointing to my moms pants.

"Are those what I think they are? Are those Yoga pants?" Sam asked rhetorically "Oh no aunty Bree I'm not really in the mood to fight any old ladies today. I was so traumatised from the last yoga pants incident, that I didn't look any old ladies in the eyes for weeks."

Everyone started laughing Hysterically. "Oh okay you know what? , you guys are ridiculous, hurry up and get in the car we have lots to do, chop chop." mom demanded with a huge smile on her face.

"And old ladies to beat up" Bryson mumbled loud enough for Val and I to hear.

"BRYSON I HEARD THAT!" Mom yelled from the front door.

"She's a witch !" Bryson mouthed.


After the day of pampering we headed back to the house to get ready. It didn't take that long for us to get ready everyone else got dressed first and I was the last one, being the birthday girl and all.

My dress is beautiful. Bella did an amazing Job, it's pretty much a black and white high-Low dress which is to die for. And I paired it with my customised black and white leather Converses. I have heels but I'll wait to put them on, they're not really my cup of tea anyways.

"Wow babe you look GORGE! "
"Thanks Val! you look stunning too" I replied.

"Wow babe you look GORGE! " "Thanks Val! you look stunning too" I replied

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"When don't I?" Val fake mocked. 

"Val, Shay we've to get going guys come on!" My mom rushed us from downstairs.

Val and I grabbed our bags and shoes then headed down stairs only to be welcomed by my mom's tears. 

"Awe look at my baby! she is so beautiful." she closed in and gave me a hug.

"Listen honey I know that this has been a crazy day and it is just going to get more hectic as we head into the night, but I just want to let you know that as of tonight, your life will be different. 

I know that you have no idea what to expect and at your age this gift you're about to receive will be overwhelming at times, but I just want  you to know that it is the best feeling in the world once you get to experience the magic of the moon goddess working to help you find your mate. If it doesn't happen quickly that's okay because you have me, dad, Bryson and the pack whenever you're feeling down. We all love you and just want you to be happy"

"Don't forget the one and only Valentina Solano" Val added.

"Of course how could I ever forget you?" 

Val shrugged her shoulders "There are rare occasions where it happens aunt Bree, but all is forgiven you were caught up in the moment." 

that made us all laugh. "Thanks mama, and Val, I love you guys." I said tearing up 

"Now let's go we have a party to attend! where is dad and Bryce?" 

"They had to go the hall to make sure that everything is properly set up for your arrival, plus if dad ever found out about the dress I bought you before we left the house you would be partying in your PJ's." Mom joked.


Moon Hall is an important building to our pack, and has been re-built numerous times during our packs history. 

It is more of a giant two story wooden cabin, but we only use it for special occasions like this. Alcohol doesn't have as much of an affect of wolves as it does humans, but there are some light weights so the bedrooms are all set up for guest who can't make it back home. Or in case parties last well into the morning. 

When the car pulls up to the cabin I see tons of pack members already enjoying the party. Some were outside catching up, and others were in small groups listening to the music blasting from inside. 

The smile on my face was so wide I couldn't help but feel it would be  stuck that way all night especially at 7:01 when my accessory is activated. 

"What are you all smiles about?" 

"Valentina it's my birthday! I just fell so grateful and happy. Plus I got my girl with me so why wouldn't I be happy?"

"True" Val agreed. "Come on every one is waiting to see you."

we walked into the front door and everyone was looking at me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAY!!" they all screamed. some people had mini confetti streamers, others were just clapping and cheering. 

As soon as I made my rounds thanking everyone for coming the party was in full swing. 

It was 6:30 now. All I have to do is wait for 7:00. 


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