3:00 PM - Anywhere (6)

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Luca POV

After Tonio left to meet our mother I spent sometime checking in on pack business. I was going over some book keeping for the club, making sure that everything would go smoothly tonight at the opening when my second in command Julian came barging in. 

"Loco Luca!" he said taking a seat in one of the chairs on the opposite side of my desk. I rolled my eyes at his awful nickname for me. He was always terrible at making things up. Probably the least creative person I know to be honest. But I wouldn't trade him for the world, he truly understands the life I live and often is one of the only people to talk me off the ledge when I'm feeling reckless. 

"Oi! doesn't anybody knock in this damn place?" I raised my voice a jokingly. "Where is the fun in that brother? we simply make your life better?" he replied smugly grabbing the rubber band ball off of my desk and playing toss with himself. "Or worse depending on how you look at it" I mumbled under my breath. he must have heard me because before I noticed, the rubber band ball was hitting me in the head. 

"Ah shit Jules." 

"Mind your manners boy your mother wouldn't  be happy to hear your mean words" he responded while I shook my head. 

"What are you doing here anyways don't you have complaints or pack shit to do? Border Patrol or anything?"

"Nah it's been pretty quiet, I spoke to my cousins wife over at Chill Haven Today and Alpha Winters' Daughter is having her revealing ceremony today so many eligible wolf bachelors are there to see if they have a shot with the girl. So it's been a silent night across all borders." He explained.

"Shit I forgot about that" I remembered. It was custom for me as an unmated alpha to attend as many as these ceremonies as possible in hopes of finding my mate. Honestly though I tend to make up "alpha related" excuses to avoid going. Plus not to mention I don't really need a mate or fancy having one either. so I couldn't  care less. 

"Hey when was the last time you went to one of those anyways?" Julian asked knowing my response is already not going to be a great one.

I shrugged and continued to do my paperwork. " A year maybe, I dunno"

"Onto more pressing matters though, Tonio wants me to open the club tonight instead of next week so I'm gonna need your help getting some heads in the door tonight and some press to get the word out." 

"lemme Guess. Julio fucked up the booze order again."

"If that kid was half as smart as he is dumb nothing would be able to get in his way I swear." I said shaking my head.

"Alright great then I'll call up some people, I know a promoter guy that can bring some girls and some press I'll get the word out. lemme get on that now." 

"Okay thanks brother."

I looked down at the clock on the left side of my computer, the clock said 2:59 PM, I'm already so exhausted from my morning mayhem that I don't even know what to do with myself. I got up from behind my desk and made my way over to my mini bar to pour myself some scotch. As I poured the drink and placed the rim of the glass in between my lips my computer notified me of the next hour. "it's Three o'clock" it said. and at that moment I started to feel a hot sensation on my right middle finger. 

I looked down at my Ramos Ring and my ring was lighting up like a lightning bolt during a thunderstorm and I immediately dropped my glass. I felt the scotch splatter on the floor beneath me as the sound of glass shattering filled the room. 

My heart was beating triple time. 

This cannot be happening.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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