Chapter 38: Ruckus

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Nothing particularly eventful happens for the next two weeks. I've been here for a month now, and I've only got three more in sight. But three more months may just be enough to accomplish Ian's plans. The constant silence and barrage of loneliness is becoming crushing. I spend so much time in solitary confinement that I begin to wince at the voices of others or the bright lights of the halls when I'm forced to meet Ian in Tiffany's old office.

Seph got out. I heard from Serge last week that Seph came back to visit. He slipped me a note that Seph had given him when the guards weren't looking. I never see him anymore though. The excursions to the dining hall ended when they caught me with the note.

Desperate to keep the information out of their hands, I'd torn the note to shreds, but they knew I'd communicated with someone. Ian doesn't know who though. I keep that thought in mind. They don't know that someone outside of this place knows what is happening to me.

But I know. It's the only thing keeping me sane and hanging on.

Still, the knowledge itself is often torturous. I have no way of knowing if Hansen is appealing my arrest or if they're even investigating me. So I sit here, alone in the confinement Ian's fashioned for me. The lights above me shine wanly on the books on my small table as I work over the notes and homework assignments for my English class. At least I still have school to whittle away the hours spent alone in here.

My foot taps against the concrete floor as I strain for any noise outside. Any voices, however muted, remind me that I'm not the only human being still alive. Well, that and Ian's daily visit. I wish he wouldn't come though. Those visits leave me more disheartened than ever.

Footsteps march past my door, and I guess it's around lunch time. The door clangs open a few minutes later, and Ian comes in with my usual fare. But this time, he's brought a visitor, and my sandwich looks more edible.

"Here he is, Mr. Adams. As you can see, whatever reports you've heard are misguided."

"Why is he in solitary confinement, Mr. Mortimer?"

"Suicide watch, sir. As I'm sure you recall from reading his records, the boy has a history of self-starvation, a penchant for dangerous behavior, and self-harm. We had some problems last week, and we've had to put him here to avoid fights and suicide." Ian grimaces, watching me with cold, dark eyes. "Azrael, this is Mr. Adams. He's here to do an investigation on a report they received. Someone said we've been abusing you here."

I incline my head to Mr. Adams and refuse to meet either mans' gaze. "Hello, Mr. Adams."

"You may stand outside and wait, Mortimer."

"With all due respect, Mr. Adams, I'm under strict orders from my superiors not to leave the boy alone with anyone. Safety protocol, you know. As I mentioned previously, there were a few incidents last week. He became violent and tried to hurt a couple boys and a guard. Luckily, we were able to restrain him before he caused further issues." Ian smoothes down his mussed hair. "So you see, I cannot, in good conscience, leave you alone with the boy."

"I've had sufficient training to deal with these situations, Mortimer. Leave. Now." Mr. Adams glowers at Ian.

With a warning glare toward me, Ian turns his back and sighs. "Very well. But I can't be held responsible if something bad happens due to this."

"I understand that," Mr. Adams says. "I really don't care. Get out."

Ian gives another resigned sigh and shrugs, walking out of the room and letting the door clang behind him.

I watch this with rising dread. This could be my chance to escape Ian, but if I get away, he'll let Mariah kill me. I know he will. Ian's hatred of me runs deep by now. What started out as disdain has morphed into full-fledged loathing as I continue to resist his attempts to drive me insane. I think he just hates failing. And I definitely represent a failure. He'd probably prefer to eradicate the failure than to live with knowing I showed him up.

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