"Do you love your partner or how he/she makes you feel?"

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It's funny how people say that they love someone because of this or because of that, those people are mislead, because you can't love basing on appearances or qualities. You're just supposed to love.
The big secret is to just love, love unconditionally, give in to each other everyday, help, support and make each other happy.

How he/she makes you feel is just a temporary interpretation of how you view him/her. It's a live in the moment kind of thing, the key to breakups: when it's over you go on to the next person that gives you that feeling again - that "rush".

Loving your partner is loving their flaws, mistakes, etc. it's loving them for them and not for what they make YOU feel. But in order to love someone, you first have to love yourself. What happens is that when people don't love themselves, they tend to look for people that make them feel good (hence the rush) they use their selfish needs as their criteria when looking for a mate, but live isn't about that. Love isn't selfish, love is the deep  positive affection you feel towards others and yourself.

Don't get me wrong though, there is a different between self-love and being selfish. Self-love is respecting yourself, accepting who you are and being able to come to terms with it. Being selfish is devoting and only caring about yourself - your interests, welfare, benefits,etc. regardless of others and how it may affect them.

In order for you to love your partner, you need to love your self first. In order to create a healthy serious relationship, you need to have self-love.

- Joséphine Nérissa

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