"Just let it be"

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In life, not everybody will like you and view you the same. And guess what: IT'S OKAY
It'd actually be weird if you didn't have someone who disliked you, it just shows that you're perfectly unique just like everybody else.

It's impossible to please everyone, what is right for one person is wrong to the other, what you call being humble is what someone else calls being fake. Each and every person has their own interpretation of the world which can coincide in some aspects but are never the same.

A while ago, I finally got the guts to call out someone that I hold very close to my heart (too close actually, but unfortunately the heart wants what it wants) for directing a really cold and distant behavior towards me that made me feel really bad and unwanted.
Before talking to the person, I had tried to maximize the conversations, I had started first through text because it's easier, I wanted to start face-to-face conversations again but I had a feeling that I would be rejected/turned down really badly so I decided not to try it yet.

So, I told the person how I felt and how I didn't like the mistreatment, I then asked what was wrong and the individual basically told me that the problem is me. Now here's the person's interpretation of me and the problem: my manner of speech is discourteous, and that I had been pushing some things - as in I wasn't being me, that I was pretending and imitating people around me (my friends).

When I first got that the person thought negatively of me, I was really hurt because this person is really dear to me, so whether I liked it or not, the opinion really got to me. I got into a state of denial in which I went and asked other people what they thought about me to see if it matched what was said to me by this person.

I then sat and pondered on what was said about me and realized that the interpretation was slightly true: I am very rude at times (in my defense, people like to provoke me, and sarcasm is fine quality that I've inherited, it's not my fault that some can't take the heat). The second part about me pretending to be/imitating someone else , to me, is completely wrong and misinterpreted. I consider myself one of the most free spirits I've ever known. I'm the kind of person that doesn't filter my words and I like to do what I feel like doing in that moment at the moment.

So, after pondering, the only thing I decided to change was my rude speech and only because it affects other people negatively and I KNOW that I can be very unpleasant at times. But other than that, I continued to act the way I always did - I acted like me.

I stopped making an effort at making conversations and etc. because I don't want to force anything - if it's meant to be it will be. Forcing things will only make things worst. And he/she really wants to be talk to me, he/she will make an effort and will look for me. If he/she doesn't then... Life goes on, it wasn't meant to be, in life you lose some and you gain some. It might hurt losing this person but it would also hurt more to have to change yourself to fit this person's liking.

With this whole experience, I learnt to grow up and realize that in this world you can't please everyone so we shouldn't try to. The most important thing for us to do is to love ourselves and be happy with whom we are because independent of what we do, someone out there will dislike us. Life is too short to be worrying about these kind of things that will get you nowhere. People have to learn to accept you the way you are. Just let it be, it if it meant to be, it will be. In life you can't have everything and everyone. It doesn't matter what others think of you - as long as you're not affecting others negatively - and especially if it makes you feel bad.

"Know yourself, know your worth" - Drake

"There comes a time in your life when you walk away from the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with good people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for those who don't . Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." - Jose N. Harris

- Joséphine Nérissa

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