Chapter 1

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                I walked towards my house and rolled my eyes, mom wasn't home as usual. I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted her to let her know I was home, I couldn't complain about being left home alone, I honestly loved being completely by myself, especially at night when I watch all those movies about the little girls who get kidnapped while they're home alone, I love the rush of adrenaline I feel when it's completely dark and I'm home alone after that. My name is Evie and I'm an adrenaline junky.

I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me, throwing my books to the floor and locking the door behind me. I walked to the kitchen and to find my little black kitten, she purred and rubbed against me, something she only did for me, she hated everyone else in my family, but that's why Kaoru is mine. I sat her on the kitchen counter while I made something to eat, singing along to some song that had been stuck in my head all day, I couldn't think of where I had heard it from though. I turned around to my sink to pour some water out of my ramen noodles and looked out my window as I did, something was moving through the bushes. I shrugged and turned back to my snack.

It was probably just a stray cat or maybe the neighbor's dog got out again.

I thought to myself, something was causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on edge the way it does when I watch horror movies and I got a chill as well.

Ok, something is very not right.

I never got chills, not even when I watched scary movies, this was bad. I had that feeling like someone was watching me but I shook it off.

I always feel like that, this isn't weird. Calm down, you're psyching yourself out for nothing fool.

I grabbed an ice cube from the fridge and then kicked my books into my room, the only bedroom on the ground floor. I sat my soup down on my bedside table and flopped onto my bed pulling out my homework for the night. Buzz, Buzz. I nearly jumped as I heard it which in turn caused me to laugh. I had left my phone in the kitchen on the counter and mom probably responded. I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed my phone returning to my room before opening the message, it was a picture message. I smiled and clicked on it, my friend Eris always sent me random pictures with quotes on them at the most random of times so I didn't think anything of a random picture on my phone.

Thanks Eris, way to scare the piss out of me.

I laughed as I opened the message, it wasn't from Eris. The picture wasn't some random quote, this was a picture of a teenage girl, standing in her kitchen, her long dark brown hair, bangs slightly over grown, she was looking out the window. That wasn't just any teenage girl, it was me. Someone was in the bushes taking my picture and I had allowed myself to think I was safe. I instantly called my mom, she may not be home but she could be if I needed least I hoped she could be. The phone rang but my mother's ring back didn't play, that wasn't normal. Finally the silence was interrupted by a click.

"Hi mommy." I said quietly, pulling my blinds closed and shutting my door. I didn't hear my mom on the other end of the phone, I just heard loud breathing. This wasn't my mother that answered.

"You said forever Evie, you told me you'd never leave." The masculine voice said through ragged puffs of air.

"Who are you?" I asked rather calmly, as I said I was used to being jumpy and panicky.

"You left me Evie, you promised me forever and then you left me. You're going to regret that. You're going to wish you had stayed with me." That was all he said before I heard the click signaling the end of the call.

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