Chapter 5

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I sat in the police car on the way to the cabin, I told the officers they couldn't come in with me or be seen at all, they just had to stay for when the prisoners were set free. They agreed after a lot of arguing but finally I was allowed to go in on my own. I walked toward the cabin, stopping just before the door to prepare myself for the horrible things I might find inside. When I forced myself inside it was worse than I thought.

He had each of his hostages tied to chairs in a row. They looked terrified, I tried to get to them, I tried to free them but he stopped me.

"You said if I came you'd set them free." I screamed trying to worm my way out of his grip.

"Uh-uh-uh. You've forgotten about the catch now haven't you?" he giggled and handed me a gun. "One of them has to die for the others to survive, your choice"

"What if I don't choose?"

"Ah, well that's the best part, if you don't choose...I kill them all." Instantly I took the gun and stared at it, if I had it he couldn't kill them. I knew how it worked but I had never shot live prey. I knew my time was running out and I couldn't be asked to kill any of them. I looked at Angel, her mom would never let me see her again, I turned to Steven, his parents told me to break things off with him as well and I turned to my dad, he was needed by someone but not by me, his heart belonged to his job first and I knew that. So finally I looked to my stalker and in that moment I made my decision. I pressed my head against his chest and put the gun to my head and shot.


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