Chapter 4

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The next note was found in Eris' room, it said "In the home of my living victim at the time when I first saw you" which I knew was right after school and his living victim was Serena so that's where we went. No one was there, the whole family was in the ER with her but the worse part of the house being empty was that we were wrong; either he assumed Serena was dead or he had another living victim beside Serena and I.

"Think!" an officer shouted at me

"Think back! Who else has he victimized!" another officer screamed shaking me and almost knocking me out of my chair. I thought hard but I didn't know another living victim.

"Maybe he didn't beat this one, maybe they were just traumatized." I said trying to make pieces fall in to place and with that it did. "We need to go to the little boy's house." I muttered. I hadn't told the police about the boy, I had forgotten about that when they interrogated me so when we searched for victims I forgot he had been victimized. The only problem with having this detail was that I didn't know the boy, I had never seen him before, but I remembered what he looked like. We ran up and down the streets of my neighborhood asking if people had seen a boy matching his description, no one knew who he was but they had all seen him that day. We were running out of time so I started banging on doors, still nothing. I banged on the last door of the street but no one answered but I saw someone shut the curtains so I knew they were home.

"Eris is going to die if we don't find her!" I shouted to the police as I forced my way into the house, there was another note telling us we were too late and she had been moved. This time he had left us coordinates, no time but that didn't mean we could slow down, we had to find her quick before he could abuse her more.

The coordinates took us to a small apartment building, we looked in each room of every apartment in the building; it was the top floor, first door on the right where I found her; lying on the floor of an empty apartment, empty besides the table in the center of the room with a phone on it. I ignored the phone and ran to Eris' side; she was barely breathing but still alive. As the paramedics took her out the phone rang, the police nodded for me to answer it since it had obviously been left for me to find.

"Hello." I answered after a small amount of hesitation. This time there was no deep breathing, no eerie unknown male voice, just a very familiar voice.

"Evie, baby?" his breathing ragged and he could barely speak but I still knew it was him.

"Hi daddy."

"I can't talk long, but he wants to make you a deal, he said he'd stop under one condition."

"Stop what? What is it?"

"He's hurting us baby, but we're strong, we can take this.

"Who is we?"

"It doesn't matter. We don't want you to take this deal. Just hang up the phone and go back with the police, they can keep you safe."

"What's his deal?" I had no choice but to take it, he was hurting my daddy, probably Steven, maybe even Angel. I couldn't let them be hurt, possibly even killed in exchange for my own safety.

"No! Please, Evie! Don't take the offer!" This voice was quieter, as if she were further away, but I could still distinctly tell it was my best friend, my Angel.

"Tell me the deal." My dad sighed but after a long pause began speaking again.

"You meet with him, if you do he'll let us go, but he never said he'd let you go."

"Where do I meet him?"

"You don't Evie! You go back with the police, they can save you!" This time the voice was male but much like when Angel spoke it was quieter than dad's. It had to be Steven, but I couldn't force myself to identify him, it hurt too much.

"Listen to them baby. We don't want you to do this."

"Where do I meet him?" I heard a struggle on the other end of the line and then the eerie voice was back. "What have you done with my dad, you monster!"

"He's safe for now, as long as you come, alone."

"And if I don't?" there was a gunshot and a scream, it was Angel. "Alright, I'll come, just give me a place."

"The cabin. And one more thing, there's a catch." The phone call ended and I fell to my knees, tears running down my cheeks, this was not how my life was supposed to be, I was supposed to grow up with my biggest worry being what dress I'll wear to prom, but I guess I'm not normal.


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