Chapter 3

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I knew as I got into Angel's mom's car, that Monday was going to e terrible. I could feel something horrible happening, it was inevitable. As soon as I walked to the main door I knew what that horrible feeling was. A page torn from my diary was taped on the main door.

"January 17, 2013. Steven asked me out. I have a boyfriend." The date, Steven's name, and the word boyfriend were all circled in red. I finally gave in and called the police, someone had to protect Steven from this man. The cops spent hours going over details with me about everything that had happened, asking me questions as if it was my fault my mom was dead and my boyfriend missing. I was a victim. While they were questioning me I just couldn't help but to think that their efforts could so easily be spent looking for Steven. I knew something horrible was happening and I was stuck in this stupid police station waiting for the cops to do it, and me completely helpless.

The police escorted me everywhere, I had to stay in a hotel I had never been to and all my friends had officers checking on them periodically. I knew that could never be enough, this man was willing to kill to get to me once; he used a child to get to me, who's to say he wouldn't do it again? I would never put it past him, but no one was listening to me, just blaming me for everything. I had gotten a call from Steven's parents telling me that when the police found him we were to break up or they would press charges for endangering their son's life.

I missed school Tuesday and Wednesday and by the time I got to school Thursday it was already third period, there was almost no reason to go to class. I went to my locker to get my art supplies so I could go draw in the guidance office but those plans were put on hold because when I got to my locker I found another page of my diary, this one had a picture. It was last summer, my dad had taken a few weeks leave to come see me and take my friends and me camping. I had the best time of my life, it had been the first time I had seen my dad in two years, he was an engineer; they had hired him on the war front to help build weapons. I was constantly worried about him and after seeing his picture on my locker I was terrified. I knew I was over reacting; he wasn't even in the country. There was no way anyone could get to him; I had to put my focus on the others in the photo, Angel, Eris, and Serena. I told the officers about the girls being targeted in the note and when they went to check in with their families they found identical notes in each girl's room. They all had a time and a place on them but they were all different places and were in code.

"This is completely your fault Evelyn! If my daughter gets hurt it's on your head." Said Angel's mom

"If my daughter gets hurt I...I'll kill you, I will kill you my damn self!" said Eris' mom

"I knew you were nothing but trouble, I never want to see you around here again, even if they find her, you two will never be friends again." Said Serena's mom, even the police blamed me, how was I supposed to know who this guy was or what he wanted?!

I read and reread each note carefully; the one in Serena's room had read "In the first place I saw you at the first time we talked face to face." I knew the time was approximately midnight because that's when he gave me the diary but as of the first place he saw me...I assumed my kitchen from when he sent me the picture but I wasn't sure, he could have seen me in any number of other places before. The police were infuriated by my how little I actually knew about this guy but listened anyway and went to the house in my kitchen, they didn't find her, but they found a note on the counter saying I was close, that's when it dawned on me, he hadn't been in the kitchen when he saw me, he was in my backyard, in the bushes, that's where they found her, she wasn't dead, at least not yet but she was injured bad. There were burn marks on her and signs that she may have been raped but only a rape kit could tell for sure. The only thing we did know for sure she fought back but he tortured her for hours on end before disposing of her. When they wheeled her past me into the ambulance I couldn't look at her, I knew it was my fault.


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