If Earth and Luna Were Friends

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Luna and Earth made and alliance and are friendly to each other. There is no Letimosis. Also, the lunar royal family is kind to all (unrealistic, I know). The royal families of the E.C. and Luna visit one another every so often. During these time, Kaito and Selene like to be kids and have fun.

Kai strode through the palace as he searched for Princess Selene. He was ten years old now, and eight-year-old Selene was hiding from him once again. Emperor Rikan, his dad, had asked him to keep an eye on the young princess so her mother would not get angry.

He lost track of the princess almost an hour ago and was struggling to keep it together. His hands clamped behind his back and heart pounding as he became more and more nervous about where Selene was.

There were only a few places he hadn't checked. All of them being room for the staff, he thought she left the building. But as he came up to the technicians area, he caught the faint sound of humming. Slowly, he cracked open the door and peeked inside. A small girl was tinkering with an android and humming to a song he didn't recognize.

"Hello?" he asked. The girl squealed and rushed away. "It's okay. I don't bite."

"Yes, because the first thing I would think of is you biting me," she barked from behind the cluster of machines. "What do you want?"

"I-I'm looking for Princess Selene. Have you seen her?"

"No," she answered quickly. "Who are you and why are you looking for her?"

"I am Prince Kaito," trying to sound as modest as he could while saying it. "And the Emperor asked me to watch her and make sure she stays out of trouble."

"So you think she's a trouble-maker?" A slight laugh embedded in her words.

"I don't know. But I haven't seen her in a while. So-"

The girl stepped out of the mess of machines. Grease was smeared all over her face and coated leather gloves on her hands. "Well, I guess your search ends here," she shrugged. "Good morning, Prince Kaito."

"Selene?" Kai couldn't believe what he was seeing. The princess of Luna was covered in smudges and grime, wearing a commoner's outfit, and smiling to the point of pure pleasure. "What are you doing?"

"Fixing androids, hover parts, things like that."


"It's fun. I like fixing things and using tools." She then picked up a long metal object with a circular part and a two-toothed claw on one end.

"You're a mess."

"I know. And I don't really care."

Kai had to admit, she looked kind of cute in that get-up with her hair in a ponytail. "Why did you hide?"

"I may have-" Her head fell. "Thought you were my mother," she mumbled. She place the tool back on the table and fiddled with her hands. "Please don't tell her Majesty about this. She doesn't like it when I get dirty."

Kai knew he should be angry, or at least pretend to be. But for some reason, seeing Selene like this made him smile. "Okay. I won't tell your mother. But you better get cleaned up before she sees you."

The girl beamed up at Kai. She walked over to him and the door, curtsied to him, and left quickly. Careful to avoid the guards and any staff that would tattle on her.


Selene rushed through the palace as fast as she could. Her black gown constantly getting in her away as she stepped. The terrible news had rippled its way through both Earth and Luna. The beloved Empress of the Eastern Commonwealth was dead. Kai was only twelve, and surely heart-broken. Selene met his mother years ago. She was kind and sweet to her family even after learning about their past. Queen Channery and the Empress became good friends over the years, and Channery ordered there be a mourning period for the passing of the Empress on Luna.

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