Chapter Three

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(How she looks with the blood on her from the last chapter. Also sorry for not updating.)

~Third person~

Yukio looked down at the young human, her blood dripping onto the humans scared face. "Are you alright dear?" Yukio's sad face now bright with a kind smile where her frown once was. Kagome's eyes go wide in fear and happiness, happy her protecter/friend was okay but scared that Yukio was seriously hurt "I..I am fine, are you okay Yukio?!" Yukio just smiles and pats Kagome on her head. "I am fine young one, do not worry about me. Now to get you out of this well and to home." Yukio picks up Kagome, jumping out of the well and lands on the grass, freezing as she looks out into the world. ' time...Kagome shouldn't be here in this time!' Yukio growled and turned into her turn form, her demon form. Kagome has seen this form once, this now being the second time. The first time was because Yukio was angry at this man trying to hurt the humans she loves. That didn't end well for that human, but now Kagome is in fear for she doesn't know why Yukio is showing her demon self. "Kagome...stay near me at all times, this is the era I was...born in, and it is not a place for humans." Kagome, now sitting on the wolf form of Yukio holds onto her fur in fear "Yukio...will demons try to eat me or something?" Yukio starts to walk to a village that was near her "yes and no...some don't eat humans and some do, that is why I want you near me at all times." Kagome watches the trees go by as she rides Yukio, Yukio growling loud enough for demons near by to hear her and to know not to go near her, she sounds like a demon protecting her children. Which in a way she is. "Yukio...when we get to a village...will they try to take you away?" Yukio giggles softly "No my dear, I'll be in human form again so they can not do such a thing. But we most change your clothes before we get there."

Okay so note, I have not been writing this I know, but let me know if you guys like the third person or first person better. Also you guys can message me and tell me what you think I should do or change and I'll work on it.

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