It was the final night in which she would tell them part of the story that had Erik and herself as the protagonists. The children already knew the rest, since they were living it. They knew it had a happy ending.
Arabella and Erik helped the children get ready for bed. She helped Maximilian into his favorite pajamas and tucked him into his bed after he had finished brushing his teeth. Erik assisted his little princess, Anneliese, the light of his eyes. She was dressed in her Disney princess night dress and her long auburn hair was let loose from the pony tails her mother styled for her every single day. Erik, like the loving father that he was, carried the little girl into the bedroom whilst she giggles happily, and he set her down on her bed gently, kissing her forehead.
When both children were settled in their beds, Arabella continued telling them the story.
This time, both she and Erik sat together, and his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Arabella placed her head on his shoulder and sighed happily.
"I put a two year probation period on papa before we could move back in together." She explained, a smile playing on her lips as she recalled. "I needed him to be absolutely sure, and I needed to be sure myself, that he would be one hundred percent committed to us. And he hasn't failed me yet."
Erik nodded proudly. "You kids and your mother are the most important people in my life. I would never let anyone come between us again."
"Your father was my first love." Arabella assured them. "He was the man I always dreamt I would marry. And every moment since we got back together has been even better than the one before it. I honestly think that when someone falls in in love for the first time, a lot of times that ends up being one's true love. The rest...were only meant to be forgotten."
The couple was returning to their home from the hospital where Arabella had given birth to Anneliese, their second child, just a few days prior. After making sure everything was in order, Arabella Durm had been allowed to leave the hospital with her family. Erik was relieved because being away from his wife was one of the most difficult things he had to do. Ever since they had gotten back together, they had been inseparable. And their son, three year old Maximilian, who was looking more and more like his father, wasn't making things easier on Erik.
Since Max was a child, he wasn't allowed in the hospital very long, only to see his mother for a few minutes each day she was there. At home, the three year old weeped and cried to his father. Erik didn't know how to get him to stop.
And he had even asked for a few days off from practice to take care of his son.
The now thirty year old footballer of Borussia Dortmund pushed the front door open to make way for himself and his family. Arabella was all swollen and tired, carrying a diaper bag slung over her shoulder and her feet dragged across the floor slowly.
Erik followed closely behind her, maneuvering to get inside the house without waking the newborn baby in the car seat he was carrying to one side of him, and to not drop the three year old boy held against his body with his other arm. It was difficult, but he managed it because he wanted Arabella to get her rest.
Arabella walked into the living room and plopped herself down on the couch. The house they were living in now was different than the one they had been in before. When Erik left Arabella, he decided to sell their apartment, and when they got back together neither of them wanted to live their again. It was a place that brought back painful memories for the both of them.
Erik walked over to his wife and sat down next to her, gently setting the car seat down on the floor in front of him. Anneliese slept soundly, and Erik sat Max down on his lap.
The little boy immediately crawled over his father to get to Arabella.
"Mama!" He hugged her lovingly.
The way his little arms seemed to hold onto her lovingly made Erik's heart break. Max hadn't really seen Arabella in about a week, since she was in the hospital giving birth. He needed his mother, and Erik missed her just as much. He needed his wife.
Arabella hugged him back and kissed the top of his head with a warm smile. "Mein sonnenschein. Mama missed you too."
"I think Max suffered your absence more than I did." Erik joked.
"Well, he's just a little boy." Arabella nodded her head. "He didn't understand why I was gone."
"Oh Bella," Erik said. Arabella pulled her arms away from her son and let him make himself comfortable on her lap. Her doctor told her she wasn't supposed to lift heavy things after she had given birth, but her heart broke when she saw how much her little Maximilian missed her. He was like a small version of his father. And of course Arabella knew Erik had missed her as well. After a small pause, Erik continued, "Thank you for letting me back into your life. I love you so much and I'm truly sorry for what I did-"
She stopped him, placing her index finger over his lips. "You don't have to apologize anymore, liebe. I forgave you a long time ago. And I couldn't be happier to have you here with me again."
Erik's expression dropped to a frown. "You're a much better person than I'll ever be. You know, I still remember those words you said to me when I visited you that day I found out you were pregnant. Do you think I would ever do anything to hurt you?" He repeated the words she had told him that day.
"I wouldn't." She shook her head.
"I remember those words perfectly because it was then that I realized I had been stupid to hurt you the way I did, for a woman who wasn't worth it." He explained.
"I love you, Erik." Arabella smiled at him.
"I love you too." He smiled back. "Bella, my bella."
Arabella thought back to when she first met Erik, and all the good times, as well as all the difficult times they had gone through together. She decided if she could chose, she would definitely do it all over again because she loved her husband. He was her first and only love. And sometimes, ones true love was the one they fell in love with first.
the final chapter of this story. there is going to be an epilogue, but i'll post it tomorrow bc im really sleepy right now. thank you so much for reading and supporting me.
blessings, clary xx
Roses || durm
Fanfiction"i'm starting to think that true love is but one's first, and i'm starting to suspect all the rest were meant to be forgotten."