The First day (justin)

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Justin's p.o.v
I woke up this morning feeling so refreshed with the blinds being open from yesterday morning. As I got up I went into my bathroom and started doing my daily routine as a single dad; a) brush teeth b) have a quick shower c) wake up my beautiful daughter Ella Bieber. Even though I'm a single dad she always keeps me up and happy, she's just so energetic ,I love it.

I'm currently in Ella's room picking out her clothes before she wakes up so I'm prepared.
"Wake up El we need to get ready for your first day." I say to her...

"No Daddy I want to sleep some more" she argues back.
Today is Ella's first day of kindergarten, and I think I'm more excited than her actually.

"Come on El it'll go by so fast you'll be out of there in no time." I smile trying to cheer her up...

"No daddy prwetty pwease with a chwerry on twop" she said all innocent.

Awe I just love it when she does that thing with adding w's in her words ,
"Ok but be up in ten minutes k"
She nodded while I had set her alarm to 7:10 while I went to make breakfast... Which consisted of eggs, grits, bacon, and sausage(lol), oh and pancakes...

As I was finishing making Ella's pancakes I had heard her Dora alarm go off, ugh that song is so annoying like the only thing she says is "Dora Dora the explorer" like WTF.

"El you better be up when I come up there darling" I yell while going up the stairs and stopping at her pink decorated room to see Ella struggling with putting on her shirt. SHE IS SO CUTE!!!

"Here princess let me help you." I say as I help pull down her shirt.
"Ok daddy I'ms the ready." She replies in her sweet little voice,
"Baby girl just come and eat and we'll be on our way," I say heading down the stairs with her behind me...

As me and Ella were driving to her school, we decided to get her teacher a first day of school gift for a good impression, plus we always did that for her previous teachers...
Ella was ahead of me already skipping into the school building as I just followed her close by cause you never know who's good and who's bad in this world so..... Before she could get any farther I took ahold of her hand "Ella darling you can't get that far from daddy,ok" I said softly
"Sorry Daddy,I'm just really excited!" She said excitedly

Oh so now she's excited, what happened to I'm so tired let me sleep some more an hour ago. Kids I'll tell you,their so confusing and adorable at the same time.
As Ella and I walked into the building while hand in hand we were quickly greeted by the receptionist lady and asked what Ella's first and last name was.
We were soon showed down the hall to Ella's new class,

Right when we walked in you could already smell the fresh new crayons and brand new whiteboards, agh I miss being this age this was back when I actually did good in school.
     "Daddy daddy look, there's my name" Ella said happily as she raced to her chair, but accidentally bumped into a larger figure.
"Oops I'm sawrry" Ella said while trying to stabilize herself.

"Oh no your find sweetheart, my mistake." A soft unfamiliar said causing me to look up,

Oh and can I just say she was hot asf like goddess hot. I got snapped out of my dirty thoughts when  I felt a sudden tug on my pants and looked down seeing Ella looking at me and whispering

"daddy I think she wants you to shake her hand." Into my ear,
as I looked at this beautiful figure standing before me with her hand out.

"Oh sorry," I blushed...wait hol up hol up did i really just blush. I don't even know who this person is, wait a minute who is this sexy beau-

"Hi I'm Ms. Ariana and I think I'm your daughters teacher?" She asked questionably.

Well that settled who she was,
"Hi I'm Justin, Justin Bieber and this is my daughter Ella Bieber" I say proud of how Ella and my names sound coming out of my mouth.

As Ariana was about to say something to me, some kid had bumped into Ariana and she dropped the gift Ella had gave her when I blanked out a couple seconds ago.
Ariana went to pick it up and as she went down her skirt came up a little showing her beautiful semi long legs since she was a very short woman, oh my lord is she is gorgeous.
I looked around not seeing Ella anymore and soon found her already making friends, I just love this girl.

"Wow I'm really getting knocked the crap out by all these kids aren't I" she laughed causing my attention to go to back to her.

Her laugh is so gorgeous, "I know right." I agreed even though I had not been stepped on all day,

"Will you be staying the whole day today?"Ariana had asked me,

"No I actually have to get to work, but here's my number call me if something happens to Ella, ok?"

See I actually partner in a company with my best friend Chaz and his family called "somers communications" I pretty much do all the paperwork
"Yeah sure." Ariana smiled and I grinned back and gave her a piece of paper with my number on it.

"Alright, bye Justin, right?"
"Yep and bye Ariana."

I said a quick goodbye and went to hug
Ella kissing her on the forehead a goodbye before exiting the building.
Later on as I was on my way to Starbucks before going to the office, Ariana and I were just texting each other back and forth, and turns out she's single and is currently 22 years-old as has been around kids all her life. So now I really trust her with Ella more than I did before...

Umm so like this kid just asked where do babies come from......WTF

LOL I had just asked Ariana what was happening and can I just say some of the kids are hilarious.

Idek Anymore your kids are hilarious

Ikr but guess what....... It was your kid😝

Wait WTH she doesn't even know what sex is tho

Are you sure she never here's you get jiggy with it at home

HELL TO THE NO, I'm a single father Ariana and don't even ask if I have any hoes at home because I don't


Hey guys that was the first chapter of the single dad I hoped you like and I'll try to update as much as I can and read my other book assistance please, thank you luvs

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