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Ariana's p.o.v
Mother is coming. That's all that's on my mind as I sit in the drive thru of Starbucks and try to piece together on how I'm gonna tell my family about me dating Justin. And no I never told them that I was in a relationship with anyone, I don't know why I never did I mean we've been dating for like 6 months now and I've talked to my mom like twice a month, I mean it should've reached my mind at least once.

Besides the fact they don't know about him I could already tell they'll love him anyways, he's just so sweet, loving, caring has a genuine hear-

"Ma'am are you there?" I hear the barista ask as I just notice I'm sitting there staring into space thinking about Justin,

"Oh yea, yes I am sorry about that. Could I get one soy latte, two iced lattes, and lastly one butterscotch latte," I reply as I think about my family's orders.

"Alright ma'am what size would those be?" He asks again.. "Oh yeah I forgot about that sorry, all of those will be Grande's please and thank you," I say leaning back against my black leather seat and contemplate with myself on how I'll just slurp my drink up within a second. Oh well.

"Alright that'll be $13.75 at the next window ma'am." I heard the male barista over the intercom announce before I started driving towards the last window.

Driving towards the airports pick up area I can already see my brother Frankie come running towards my white Range Rover that I've had forever so he most likely could tell since there was that scratch mark on the front bumper from that time I had ran into a stop sign, on my defense it came out of nowhere.

I opened my door 0.2 seconds before Frankie came running towards me dramatically dropping his luggage and running right into my open arms making me make a 'ooph' sound as he chants my name as if I didn't already know it... And all of sudden he pulls a can of glitter pouring on the both of us. He's so gay. Lol but I gotta love him,

Soon there I see my mom walking towards us with struggle as she carries both her and Frankie's luggage that he earlier dropped, breaking out of Frankie's grasp I run over to my mom

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Soon there I see my mom walking towards us with struggle as she carries both her and Frankie's luggage that he earlier dropped, breaking out of Frankie's grasp I run over to my mom...

"Mommy!!" I scream jumping into her arms knocking the luggage out of her hands.

"Mia mamma mia cosa ho fatto per meritare questo trattamento?" My mother asks in a playfully distressed tone. (Translation: My oh my what have I done to deserve this treatment?)

"Nienta mamma abbiamo appena ti amo così tanto che facciamo si soffre," Frankie smiles as he goes and grabs all of their bags before loading them into the already open trunk. (Translation: Nothing mama we just love you so much that me make you suffer,)
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that my family mostly speaks Italian, but they also fully understand English and can speak it so hopefully Ella and Justin can get use to that. Once we get into my car Frankie already takes it to himself to grab his butterscotch latte, as I got ready to tell them about Justin and Ella.

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