Catching Up...

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1 year later..

Now you might be wondering what did you miss for a whole 12 months but you honestly didn't miss anything. Well only if you think giving birth to a child and getting married both in the same year isn't much.

Oh yeah. I had a child. And he's a boy named Augustus Grey Bieber, August for short. Oh by the way I'm a Bieber now. Anywho he was born December 15th 2015. After him we had our wedding January 25th and now I'm on my honeymoon March 17th 2016, which is the same day Justin proposed to me and I told him I was pregnant so which we celebrate in the only place we knew best which is Disney World.

Justin and I knew we couldn't leave our 3 month year old baby with some random so we just brought both kids Ella and August along with us. Here's a picture of August by the way.

Yeah adorable right? You don't have to answer that

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Yeah adorable right? You don't have to answer that. He was blessed with beautiful blue grey eyes which he happen to get from his grandmother.. Hmm how's Ella doing you say? Well she has turned 7 and just keeps getting older... in her attitude.

And well Justin? He just can't take his hands away from auggie it's like he's emotionally attached which he is actually. By blood at least. He's been going through these fazes where he just keeps changing himself. Like first he got tattoos about random irrelevant shit like tigers, and his favorite type of tree.. Then he got a nose piercing, like one day I sent him out of the house because I was cleaning and he just comes home with a new piercing. And he thought I wouldn't notice! He also got dread locks, which were beyond hobo-ish looking. Then lastly he goes and just cuts all of his hair off and comes back to bed bald one night. You guys I freaked out when he got in bed I thought it was some rapist..

And well me? I'm doing just fine actually. I've got everything I've ever dreamt of and more.. I don't actually work as a preschool teacher any anymore because now Ella's in 2nd grade so I saw that there was no point since she's in elementary school now with a teacher named Ms. Gael who happens to be a lonely single just like I was.. hopefully she'll have a love story just like mine to tell to all her grandkids..

But since Mr. And Mrs. Somers retired due to old age Justin and his best friend Chaz now both co own their company and has changed the name to B&S communications... When Justin came home and told me their new name I started to crack up because they basically just named their company Bull & Shit communications. When I told Justin this he got really offended and went to lay down in our bedroom making me feel bad so I went in our room and put on a little show.. If you know what I mean.

It's gonna be my birthday in June which I'll be turning 25 so who knows what'll happen, and before you guys get ahead of yourselves their will be no more children since I can't bear to push another offspring out of my vaginal space again...

"Mommy mommy! Look there's Mickey he's right over there ya see him!!" Ella starts to yell bouncing up and down as we walk through Mickey Mouses house, with August in those baby carriers that go around your chest and Justin in front of me pushing the stroller which consisted of all our things we needed whenever going out in public, like snacks, baby wipes, bottles, and belts... Hahaha just kidding guys just kidding.....

"I know darling I see him but you've gotta keep your voice down or else your gonna disrupt everyone else." I tell her as she runs over to the huge line with everyone else who wants a picture with Mickey.... Why did we come here again?

Right on time Augustus starts to whimper in my arms and that's when I know we really shouldn't have come here..

Hey guys I know these was such a time skip but I just can't wait for the epilogue which will help explain what's going to be happening in the spin off book which will be all about Augustus's story..
So the book is almost close to a finish please let me know if there is something that you want to know that I left out and in the meantime go and read some of my other books...

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