Mama Pattie

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Justin's p.o.v
Once Ariana and I got to my mothers house that still had all my family inside we waited for Selena to get here. I was very nervous to bring Selena back into my life especially because knowing how sick and evil she could be she most likely would try and scare Ariana away from me for herself so I had to warn Ariana before Selena ruins our relationship.

"Babe I already want to warn you before its to late that Selena is gonna try and do everything and anything she can to ruin our relationship so please don't listen to anything she says," I tell her as we both stand outside on the porch.

"Justin stop worrying so much I'm just gonna be friendly maybe even make friends with the girl," Ari tells me while smiling innocently.

"NO. NO. NO, YOU CANNOT I REPEAT CANNOT MAKE ANY SORT OF RELATIONSHIPS WITH SELENA YOU GOT THAT!?" I exclaim while looking at Ari like she has two heads.
She just laughed at me and started walking towards me as she wrapped her arms around my waist and nuzzled her head in my neck relaxing my tensed muscles. I take her head out of my neck by grabbing her chin gently with my index finger and smashing my lips on hers gently and smoothly all at the same time, we were like this for a long time till we heard a strong cough behind us, I snap my head away from Ariana's lips and we both turn our heads to the person making the sound.


Of course. But wait she's wearing a different outfit from this morning.

"Did you seriously go all the way home to change your outfit?" I questioned already getting annoyed by her presence.

She laughed her ugly ass laugh Ariana's was way better, you know I should stop comparing them.

"Of course not I changed in my car across the street trying to get your attention but your attention was elsewhere." Selena said rolling her eyes probably referring to our small make out scene before she came and interrupted.

"Um well come inside Selena I think we've been out here long enough." Ariana butted in while opening the already unlocked door, damnit family I could be a wild murderer and yet I still would be welcomed to the loud noise of Elvis Presley playing in the kitchen and the smell of bacon and pancake mix.

Ariana was first inside and I was right behind her while Selena was really close on my behind almost touching me if I hadn't pulled up closer to Ari, the first person I saw come into view was my cousin April (why is it she is always the one closes to the door entrance smh). Once me and Ariana were finally noticed by the rest of the family we decided to go ahead and introduce our unwanted guest that everyone had there eyes on, some of my family I could already tell immediately knew who it was while others just looked curious, note Selena looked way different from when we dated back in high school kinda like Ari but Ariana changed good and Selena changed bad, well maybe I just have s bias mind. Selena use to have no boobs and long hair with barely any curves I don't even know why I dated her for so long I mean I'm the type of guy who needs something to hold onto during sex *insert smirk face emoji*

"Woah woah woah what the hell is that doing here." My cousin Zac said as he stopped eating his eggs, since most of my family were eating at the dinning room table.

"Zac that is no way to talk to our guest." My mother scolded him, as she elegantly dabbed her face with a napkin and stood up to come over and greet Selena.

"Hello darling I'm pattie Justin's mother and who might you be?" My mom questioned Selena, I'm starting to feel like my moms the only one here right now that doesn't realize that this 'so called guest' is Selena.

"Darling do you not know who this is?" My father finally spoke up as he as well stood up from the dining table and came over to my mothers side, she looked at Selena then me again for a good second but shook her head and answered,

"No am I supposed to?" She asked looking at me then noticing how the rest of the family was looking at her like she was crazy for not knowing something so obvious,
"What?" She asked again looking at everyone.

"It's me Pattie, Selena?" Selena finally spoke up and removing her glasses that kind of made it more clear, my mom just stared at her for a really long time till my dad interrupted her hard gaze on Selena.

"Honey are you ok, your scaring the poor child." My dad said as some of my cousins and snickered not caring about her being scared.

"No. No. No. No it can't be." My mother finally spoke shaking her head rapidly kinda scaring me, I then had finally noticed that Ariana was trying to comfort my mom and so was Selena.
"No do not touch me." My mother seethed through her teeth scaring Ariana thinking she was talking to her but my mother yanked Selena's hand off her shoulder and brought Ariana back to her embrace before removing her as well and began to speak.

"How dare you even have the audacity to step foot in my house and let alone try and come back into my sons and future daughter in laws life." My mother slightly raises her voice shocking most everyone other than my dad.

"Ms. Mallette, please don't think of it as that I just wanted to see my daughter." Selena tries to assure my mom, but she still has that resting bitch face on.

"Oh now this is where your even more wrong, one I am no longer a Mallette any more and you would have known that if you stayed a little longer and two Elli was no longer considered your daughter when you decided to sign her off to my son without even telling him, and three I want you out if this house in 5 minutes because I need to have a little convo with you. You wanna know what also makes me sad the fact that you think you can just prance back into our lives like you didn't cause any commotion, you little sick bitch had my baby sad for months because one he never knew he had a child in the first place and two had him thinking that he did something so wrong that the 'so called love of his life' left him alone with a child that he wasn't aware of," she snapped but wasn't done yet.
"But I know one thing you don't deserve juju you never did all you ever did was use him because you were desperate for someone to love your sad self, and had us all convinced as well. But you know someone who does deserve him..... A beautiful girl named Ariana Butera Grande and she is a girl that you could never replace, so leave Selena and never come back." My mom finally spit at her and had Selena shaking in fear, since she's never heard my mom speak like that to her, I don't think she've ever spoke to any of us like that, it's just not like my mother.

Selena was in tears as she was about to open the door when she heard little feet paddle over to us.


And she was just in time to rub the fact her and Ariana's relationship was way better than there's ever was.

"Mommy why is granny yelling at her." Ella asked Ariana in a scared and fragile tone making Ariana awe at her cuteness and whisper something into her ear making her cute giggle come out as paddled away from us back down the hall with the rest of the kids, all while Selena watched in sadness. I could kind of tell Ariana felt bad but she had no reason to so I just grabbed her waist and kissed her forehead and walked with her away from Selena and to the kitchen and completely ignoring the stares of my family members as Selena sobbed out the door of my parents house......... As me and Ariana resumed our drama free day and just rested till our vacation was over and we had to head back to our lives and continue our jobs.
Hey guys thanks again for reading and please vote sorry for slow updates I'll try way harder than I am and happy Valentine's Day hopefully I can update for that
Any suggestions? Thanks babes and honey bears🙊🙉🙈

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