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NY Institute Of The Arts

I smiled as I went up the steps of the glorious building. I held onto the box full of my comics and a few sketches. My brother and my dad helped me carrying my stuff to my dorm room. I couldn't tell if I was excited or scared. I held back the uprising vomit and went into the room.
One side was naked.
One was being filled by a shorter guy.
"Hi!" My dad said loudly. I wanted to smack my face in embarrassment.
The guy whipped around and looked me up and down then smiled.
"Hi,! Im frank. I chose this side. You can have it and I could move to that side, if you want this side." Frank said pointing to the naked side. I shook my head, and smiled as i started unpacking. It wont be naked for long.
Thats when my mom finally found us.
"OH MY LITTLE GERARD!" she squeaked before sobbing.
"Mommm im literally only an hour or two away!!" I said, laughing softly.
They helped me unpack and I saw my mom tear up again then her and my dad left. My little brother looked up at me.
"I'll see ya soon gerard, i love you." He said hugging me tightly.
"I'll vist every chance i get, i swear."
He sighed and whispered so frank didnt hear.
"Say it back. Please, for me."
"Mikey stop, i dont say it."
"I don't fucking get it!! What's so hard about saying I love you too?! You're such a freak i swear." I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed as he left, engrossed in a comic. I almost didn't notice Frank reading over my shoulder , sitting on my bed too.
I closed the comic and kept unpacking. I felt like i was being rude but it just made me uncomfortable, ya know?
Once i was done i laid down. i watched as frank pulled out a guitar. I raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled and put the thing on a stand of some sort.

"her name is Pansy." he said smiling and laying down on his own bed.

I got up and looked in the drawers of the shared desk we have and grabbed my good sketching pencil, I walked over to him and put it out so he could see it better.
"this is tina then." i said laughing.

Frank smiled and yawned. Then i yawned as well suddenly tired. It was only like 4pm.

I put my pencil tina back and put my jacket on, slipping on my nasty white converse too.

"wanna go get some food?" i asked opening the door. he nodded hopping up and slipping on a pair of black vans. i nodded at our emo appearances and started walking, we left the school and started walking.

"I've never been here before, it's breathtaking." I said smiling. frank mumbled something then he nodded.
"Same here. Ive never been here really besides driving through and i love it already," I smiled. Im glad i already have a friend.
"Oooh!!" I said quickly crossing the street. Frank following.
"What?" He asked looking around worringly.
I pointed to the cafè before us and smiled widely.
"Coffee is a need." I said pushing the door open and instantly get blasted by soft jazz music.
"You look like a kid in a toy store."
"THEY HAVE SOUP AND STUFF TOO." I said running to the counter.
Frank just chuckled and smiled ad i freaked over the flavors of tea and different breads and pasteries.

Thoughts Of GerardWhere stories live. Discover now