-hello human beans,
just a quick reminder that i have not experienced war related ptsd nor, am i a therapist, but i also am highly against romanticizing mental illnesses and disorders.since i have someone very close to me experiencing a lot of what calum is going to be feeling and that person is still struggling with it and not only them, but it affects my whole family.
this is a very personal subject/ touchy topic for me to write about, but i want to raise awareness and sort of educate someone who hasn't been the military or lived with a member of the military, to kinda understand that; its not all national flags and honor and going home happy, safe and in one piece. although, (in america) only 0.2% of the population is military and 20% of that 0.2% is actice on the ground, in combat, but it takes a huge toll.
also, not everyone reacts to war trauma or ptsd the same, so the character calum would be playing could have been any type of response out of the multiple seen in ptsd.
post traumatic stress disorder or [ptsd]: a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or seeing a terrifying event. very common...more than 3 million US cases per year...can't be cured, but treatment may help...chronic: can last for years or be lifelong...
also, if there are any war flashbacks or anything emotionally intense, there will be a trigger warning at the beginning of the chapter, an asterisk "*" in the title and a label before and after the triggering scene. i would hate to upset someone bc that would defeat the purpose of the message im trying to send.
i hope you like what i have in plan, have a lovely day/night !!!!
- xxx alex.