Chapter 5

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Dreadfully dull days?!


The sun had decided to lock itself in the clouded covers of showering rain; it was painfully cold. You looked up at the ceiling your body still warm from the fever but you had started to feel a lot better, The princess joyfully sat by your side as you played a game of chess while the rain poured down.

"(Y/N) no fair! You won again~ what's the secret!"

You looked up and smirked, the colour that had been lost a few days before was now returning to your face, your (E/C) orbs roamed the game board. And a small snicker escaped your rosy lips making the princess gasp wanting to know even more, she was like a cat; a honey coloured cat who would nag you for food at 3am.

"The secret is to always know what your opponent is thinking!"

You said gleefully slamming a chess piece down onto the board declaring yourself a master in the game of chess; well the master of the caravan at least. Taking a moment before you looked the princess in the eyes again you made it look so you looked amazingly cool, you turned your head to cause a gasp to enter your ears. The two of you laughed and sat back down before looking out the window, dull colours attacking you and snacking around your colourful laughter; it was silent for a small bit before the princess got up with a smile and excused herself, like any noble would do.

'Ahh~ this is boring, really, really boring"

You thought to yourself before rolling towards the bed on the floor and curling up into a ball, Judal and Hakuryuu hadn't come to see you in a while and it was getting a bit lonely with only you and the princess; of course she was a delight but, like anything it can be a little tough to get excited by seeing the same person every time you woke up.


Hands pressed to my temples I lightly blew the hair out of my face with an attempt to see better, of course it didn't work and honestly it was starting to piss me off. The thing Hakuryuu had said had stuck with him and made him think, everything was awkward now between me and (Y/N) and I honestly didn't want to deal with the princesse's bullshit teasing. Dropping my hands from my face I stared at the rain, it was dull and grey like an old woman who had lost their husband I suppose; not a nice thought.

"Hey Judal, want some?"

Judal looked upwards to see the black haired male holding a plate, various different types of meat and breads folding over each other in a decretive manner. Reaching a hand I clasped a large piece of meet and placed it into my mouth, chewing.

"Hmm.. Phrettshy glood"

Hakuryuu held a palm to his forehead, the other clasping onto the plate.

"Oh please god eat with your mouth closed"

I stared upwards and shrugged my shoulders before turning, the meat was slightly too over cooked for me but I honestly didn't want to start a fight since I was so tired, but once back at the palace oh I'd fry the shit out of that crappy chef. Hakuryuu had already made his way back inside the caravan and left Judal alone.

'Its dull, ugh'

Judal lay back onto the wooden floor only to be greeted by a pair of snow legs and an almost perfect view of what seemed to be cute underwear. Stirring I looked upwards more to see the blushing face of (Y/N)! In all honesty I quite enjoyed the view, well.. did before her foot was pressed into my face in a hard motion. The grey rain still fully dulling my senses as a sock made intact into my face as if a space ship landing on the moon, I stared unhappily into the soft fabric in contact with my face.

(It's been too long! Don't worry everyone getting better and I'm going to fully start updating this as soon as possible!)

~starbi (sorry for the wait!)

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