Chapter 1

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4 years ago

Mia's POV:
Hey my peeps. Let me introduce my self. I'm Mia, Mia Johnson. I'm 16 years old and I'm dating justin bieber. A small kid from a small town. I had brown long hair and hazel eyes. I'm not your girly girl trust me. I'm more of a tomb boy. I love fashion and I'm actually living my life trying to start a career off of modeling. I just moved from canada to la and I'm trying to get used to the life here. Well let's get on with my story...
I was about to walk in to my boyfriends house (justin) when I forgot my phone in my car. I went back, grabbed my phone and went back to the house. The house door was open so I walked in. I walked upstairs to the room that me and justin would cuddle, to find justin having sex with another girl! And guess who that girl was?! My own best friend. "Justin" I barely whispered. "Mia it's not what it looks like" he said putting on his boxers and doing his famous hair flip. "It looks like that your sleeping with my best friend" I said trying fight back the tears. "No no" I cut him off. "Yes it does. I'm done with you. Were done. And fuck you Emily" I said flipping her off before walking out of the house with tears going down my face. I ran to my car and started my engine. "He's just a fuck boy" I said to myself. I fucking hate him. With all my heart. I despise him. I mean he was my first love. I know that I'm only 16 but I really did love him. Yup, LOVEED. I started driving to my apartment that I had in LA by my sisters house.

2 and a half years later:
"Will you marry me Mia Johnson?" Paul my boyfriend or shall I say fiancé now ask me on one knee. "Yes" I said crying. I've been dating paul for over 2 years and even tho my parents are not okay with it, I love him and I'm going to choose him. See my family didn't like paul because paul isn't your typical guy. He doesn't wear suits everywhere. He's not rich. He's not a millionaire. But he is smart. And loving. And that's what I love about him. He slid the ring on my finger and picked me up and gave me a long kiss. "I love you" I whispered. I never thought that I would get married at the age of 19. "I can't wait til we get married and we can have sex finally" he whispered on my neck. See I'm a virgin. I don't want to be one of this sluts that sleeps with every guy she lays eyes one.
Time goes by... 6 months later
So next month is mine and Paul's wedding day. We're not doing anything to big. Were just renting a limo and imma have a wedding dress on and were going to legally get married in a church. The only thing that's sad is that no one from my family is coming because their hate they have for paul. They always tell me that he's a bad person and that he's cheating on me but I don't believe them. I walked into the wedding store trying to look for the dress. I grabbed a very pretty blinded out mermaid dress and went to try it on. I came out of the dressing room and stood on the stage thing. "Wow that's so beautiful, I never knew you and justin would get married" I heard someone say behind me. "Excuse me" I said turning around. I came face to face with pattie. I froze like ice. "Oh um. I'm not getting married to justin. I haven't even talked to him in more than 3 years" I said looking at her. "Oh. Well I didn't mean to make you feel awkward. I talked to your mom yesterday. She said that they're coming to LA today. I think they already landed. Well I got to go so I'll see you tomorrow at dinner, bye sweety" what the fuck was this bitch talking about. Don't get me wrong, I love her but what does 'I'll see you tomorrow at dinner' mean? I don't think I can do this dress shopping alone. I went back into the dressing room and took off the dress. I wore my cloths and got in my car and drove to my Beverly Hills mansion.
Tomorrow night:
I went to my brothers house because my parents were staying there and the dinner was going to be there. OMG I can't wait, it's almost my birthday. Only three days left. March 3 1994. Wait, if my birthday is in two days then it's Justin's birthday tomorrow... Usually I would get him the best birthday gift when we were together but not anymore. The only time I've seen him was on news for doing drugs and getting arrested. I mean it's his life, let him do whatever the fuck he wants to do. I was sitting on the couch, thinking when the door bell rang. I went to open the door because everyone else is to lazy. I opened it to see pattie standing there with justin? All I did was roll my eyes and walked away from the door. Justin's eyes were red and if your me then you'll notice every small detail. I saw some white powder on his nose and he smelled really bad. My parents and pattie started talking and justin just went upstairs. "Oh Mia, you got engaged to paul?" My mom said in disgusted voice. I just nodded my head and left the kitchen. I started walking upstairs went I heard coughing from the bathroom. "Jake!?" I called my brothers name. "Ya" he said from his room that was across the bathroom where a person was coughing. The only other person that was upstairs was justin. "Justin!" I yelled knocking on the bathroom door. All I heard was coughing. I started to panic when he wasn't talking and all I heard were sniffs and coughs. I got the key that was under the bathroom mat and unlocked the door. I opened the door to see justin snorting cocaine. "Justin!" I yelled helping him off the ground. "What the actual fuck justin! Stop that, put that away right now!" I yelled setting him on the toilet. "Why are you doing this!" I said looking at him. That was the first time I've seen Justin's face in 3 years. "Because I want you to give me another chance. Let's be in a relationship" he said looking at me with his blood shot red eyes. "Justin I'm engaged" I said holding up my hand so he can see my ring. "What do you mean your engaged!? Where the fuck are the drugs!" He yelled. "No stop with the drugs justin. Stop doing that, you have to stop" I said holding his shoulder. "The only thing that will make me stop is having you by my side" he said looking in my eyes. "Justin I'm engaged. I can't be with you" "then forget about me stopping the drugs" he said grabbing some more weed. "Justin stop. I'll think about it. Only if you promise not to do drugs tomorrow. It's your birthday tomorrow" I said looking in his eyes. "Fine but I'm staying over at our house and I'm going to sleep next to you on your bed" he said trying to stand up. "Ugh your so fucking annoying. DONT YOU FUCKING GET THAT IM ENGAGED!? What if my fiancé walks in on us tomorrow morning? If that god forbid happens your giving a damn explanation!" I yelled. "Don't fucking talk to me. My head hurts. The last thin I want to do is get yelled at by you. Just take me to your room and let me sleep" he said putting his arm around my shoulder. "Justin I have my own house. This isn't my house. I live in Beverly Hills" I said "oh really. I just bought a house there. Since you don't live here how about you grab extra clothes and we got to my house?" He suggested. I rolled my eyes and muttered a 'fine'. I took him downstairs to my car. I said bye to everyone and started driving to Justin's house.
(At Justin's house, in bed)
I was laying in Justin's bed with my back facing his face. I heard little snores and I guess he's asleep. Puberty hit both justin and I like a truck. Justin finally cut his hair off. He has sleeve tattoos and is muscular. I was thinking about how we changed when a tattooed arm snacked around my waist from behind and I felt a little kiss on my shoulder. I thought he was sleeping? I guess not. I just want Justin's birthday to go good for him. I don't want him to be sitting in the corner of his room snorting cocaine up his nostril. I have to remember to ask justin why he started using drugs. Maybe because of his on and off again relationship with slutlena hoemez, oops sorry I meant selena gomez. My eyes got heavier so u decided to finally go to sleep after thinking about a lot of things.


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