Chapter 12

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Ashlee's P.O.V:

I jumped when I felt an arm go around my waist. Jason cracked up laughing and I rolled my eyes. I could feel everyone's eyes on us and it made me squirm. I bet they were all thinking, When the hell did this happen? And how did Ryan allow it? I sighed and leaned into Jason as we walked down the hall. "It's okay, Ash." He whispered.

"I know. It's just....uncomfortable." I replied, staring back at a few people we passed.

"It is weird. But who cares?" Jason whispered, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I don't." I said, smirking. Jason smiled and kissed my neck. I spotted a huddle of girls who were whispering and darting glances my way. "Your fan club?" I said, my voice icy. They were all a million times prettier than I am.

"Ash. Come on. They don't mean anything to me. They didn't leave an impression. You did." Jason said, following my gaze.

"I'm gonna get to class." I said, shrugging his arm off my waist. I started walking away when Jason pulled me back.

"Ash, you may be cute when your jealous but it's really starting to annoy me." Jason whispered, pressing up against me. I could just hear Jason's fan club hissing at me. Then he kissed me, tongue and all. I could hear whistles from some guys walking by but I ignored them. When Jason pulled away I was breathing hard and my heart was beating really fast. Lily, who I was gussing was the leader of Jason's fan club, was shooting daggers at me.

"Maybe I should annoy you more often." I whispered.

"I see your back to your usual smart a*s self." Jason said. I smirked and kissed him again.

"Jason, Ashlee. Save your affection until after school is over." Mrs.Ray said, walking down the hall. Jaosn pulled away, his hands on my hips. Mrs.Ray continued walking down the hall, never checking behind her to see if we started kissing again. The bell rang and I wanted to scream.

"Ditch?" Jason whispered.

"I can't. It's the first day of school, Jasey-poo." I said, watching as Jason's nose wrinkled up at his nickname.

"Please don't call me that in school." He whined, leaning his head on my shoulder. I played with his hair while I looked around.

"Sh*t. Jason! Everyone is already in class!" I yelled, pushing his head off my shoulder.

"Oh well. I guess we can't go to class now." He said, shrugging his shoulders. At the school we went to if you were late you couldn't go to class. The teachers locked the classrooms so no one could be late.

"You did this on purpose." I told him.

"Aww. Don't pout." He said, tugging me outside and to his car. We climbed into the front seat after throwing our bags in the back.

"Where do you want to go?" Jason asked, his hand on the steering wheel.

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?" I asked him.

"Backseat." Jason said.

"Jason!!!" I yelled, smacking him on the arm.

"I'm just kidding! Jeez!" He replied, rubbing his arm. I smiled and leaned over and kissed him.

"Park?" I whispered, my lips brushing his neck. He shivered.

"Yeah." He replied. I leaned back so he could drive. When we go to the park, Jason tackled me as soon as I was standing in the grass.

"Jason!" I yelled as I tried to shove him off. Then he started tickiling me. "Jason! P-Please stop!" I yelled, squirming underneath him. He laughed and tickled my side. When he stopped, I was breathing heavy, trying to get air. "You jerk!" I yelled, punching him in the chest. He smiled and kissed me, stealing my breath. "I love you Jason." I whispered.

"I know." He said. I glared at him and he laughed. "Love you too." He whispered, trailing kisses down my neck.

"Ewww! Mommy look!" A little boy said, walking around.

"Sweetie. I don't want to....Come on, cover your eyes." The mother of the kid said, pulling him away.

"God. It's not like we were having sex or anything." Jason said loudly so that the mom could hear him. She turned around and glared at him before pulling her son to the parking lot.

"Jason!" I yelled for about the millionth time that day.

"What!? I'm just saying." I sighed and pushed him off me.

"We should get back to school now." I said, closing my eyes and soaking in the sun.

"Yep." Jason said. I felt myself slipping into sleep but I couldn't stop it. Finally I rolled over, curling up next to Jason, and fell asleep.


Awww :) Sorry it took so long to write this chapter even though it's short. I was taking a break from writing this book xD LOL But it's only been 7 days...So yeah. And I had writers block. Ugh. -_- I have writers block for Desiree right now so be patient with me plz :D Pic is of Rachele Brooke Smith who plays Ashlee :)

~Selena ♥

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