Chapter 5

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I walked home from my small walk in the park and found Jason sitting on the couch with some new girl. I think this one's name was Lily. They weren't sucking face though. I could tell Lily really wanted to but she wanted him to make the first move. But when Lily saw me she started flirting with him. Kissing him on the cheek and lips and forehead. I smiled. Two can play at that game. I sat down in the recliner and waited for stupid Lily to make her move.

" Well you can come sit over here. There's room." Lily said. I smirked. I knew she would say that. I looked at the couch and saw her stretch her legs out so that there wasn't any room. I knew she would do that too. So I got up and took the only space available. Jason's lap. Jason didn't push me off or do anything really but Lily scowled at me. I smiled at her sweetly and leaned back so that the back of my head rested on Jason's shoulder. Lily got mad, seeing me cuddle with Jason. "Jason. I'm gonna hit the road." She said, her voice full of failure and anger. She stood up and stomped off. Hmm. Didn't take much to get her to leave.....Now Jason shoved me off his lap, making me land hard on my butt.

"Real freaking mature, Ash." He said, scowling at me.

"You have a nickname for me?"

"I...well.....umm....I meant Ashlee!" He said, trying to stay mad. "Why would you do that anyways?"

"Why would you play with my feelings, Jasey-poo?" I asked him.

"I apologized!"

"You think apologizing makes up for you messing with my feelings!?"

"Why do you even care!? You hate me!" He said, shouting at me.

"I---." I didn't know why. Then I burst out crying.

"Ash...I'm sorry." He said, hugging me. "I shouldn't have yelled." My tears wet his shirt while I kept crying. Where were all these tears coming from anyway? My feelings are mixed up. I don't even know what I feel anymore. Did I even like Jason? Or was it just my hormones going crazy? Jason's been there my whole entire life. Ryan and Jason have been friend's since they were in diapers. Which just means Jason has known me my whole life. He is such a jerk sometimes but I can't help falling for him. He may be a player but he was always nice to me. Other than the time's we tease each other but that was only for fun. Was I really falling for my enemy? "Ash. Please stop crying." Jason said. We were sitting on the couch and I was on his lap, my legs curled up.

"I'm sorry. I don't know where all these tears came from." I said, wiping my eyes and then checking my nose to make sure it wasn't running. My nose was dry, thank god. Jason pressed his lips to my forehead and left them there for a few seconds before pulling away. Then he pressed his lips to mine and kissed me. Oh, not again....I couldn't let him play with my feelings again but I also couldn't pull away or tell him to stop. Where is Ryan? Oh work....I thought, getting lost again in one of Jason's kisses. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine, our noses almost touching.

"Ash...." Jason whispered.

"I hope your not playing with my feelings again, Jason." I whispered back.

"I'm not. I think I....I think I can make a commitment to you, Ash. I think I can try to stay with you. But you have to be patient with me. I'm not good at this whole....this whole relationship thing."

Brain: Wait...Whaaaaat?

Heart: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!! Doooo it, ASH. DOOO IT!!!

Brain: ?

Heart: Seems like the Brain can't think for once. Score one for the Heart. I'm winning! Yay!

"O-Okay. I..umm...Okay." I said. He smiled and then kissed me again. I heard a knock on the door and got off of Jason's lap. I went over to the door and opened it up to see Lily standing there.

"I've decided to stay and hang out with Jason a little longer." Lily said, with one of those devious smiles.

"Sorry babe. But he's taken." Then I slammed the door in her face.


Hehe :D Don't think this is the end >:D This is only the beggining. Aren't you wondering what happens when Ryan finds out that his baby sister is going out with his best bud? I know I am. HAHA :D Just kidding :p Vote and Comment!!!!!!! ♥ I'll upload the next chapter as soon as I can :D  Pic is of Angelina Jolie who plays Shelly and Jennifer Lopez who plays Renee :D

~Selena ♥

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