Chapter 14

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Ashlee's P.O.V:

"What the hell were you two thinking?" Ryan demanded once we had stepped inside. I could tell that he was holding back and was deciding not to hit Jason. Yet.

"I love him Ryan. I was ready. Don't blame him. It was my decison. Just drop it." I told him calmly.

"Whatever. Go jump off a cliff. Go screw everyone in the school. Do whatever the hell you want. I don't care anymore." Ryan yelled, stomping upstairs and slamming his bedroom door. I felt a tear leak out of my eye.

"Ash..He didn't mean it. He's just mad." Jason said, hugging me.

"He's always mad. But jump off a cliff? Really? He doesn't care if I die?" I whispered, more tears coming out.

"Of course he does. He's just being a jacka*s right now." Jason whispered, smoothing my hair. I sniffed and tugged Jason up to my bedroom. I pulled him onto the bed with me and let him hold me.

Jason's P.O.V:

Ryan didn't have to be such a d*ck about it. I thought as I ran my hand up and down Ashlee's arm. I kissed the back of her neck. "It's okay Ash. He'll come around." I told her, kissing the back of her neck again. She didn't reply and it was then that I realized that she had cried herself to sleep. I sighed and closed my eyes too, hoping that tomorrow would be better.

Ashlee's P.O.V:

The next morning wasn't much better. Jason had left to get his clothes and get to school and Ryan had left just go get to school and away from me. I was walking down the hallway when the janitor stopped me. "Could you be a dear and grab me my mop from the janitor's closet? I spaced and forgot it." The old lady asked me. I smiled and nodded. As I made my way down to the closet my mind wandered off to Jason. I hadn't seen him at all since I got to school. I sighed and opened the door. Well, I found Jason. I thought angirly. Lily and him were making out and her hand was down the front of his pants. I reached past him and grabbed the mop and made sure to wack Jason in the head.

"You b*stard." I hissed at him. He tugged away from Lily who was clinging on to him.

"Ashlee, let me explain. Please!" Jason said, reaching out for me. I slammed the door and calmly walked down the hall and handed the janitor her mop.

"Thank you, sweets." She said. I nodded and headed out to my car. Once I was inside my car I burst out crying.

Brain: You knew this whole time he would do this. I tried to warn you, Ashlee.

Heart: I can't beleive him. I can't beleive I was fooled.

Brain: Told you, Heart.

Heart: Shut up.

I heard a tap on my window and looked up. It was Jason, of course. I flipped him off and pulled out of the parking lot, leaving him behind. I got home and layed on the couch, sobbing. A few minutes afterwards I heard a knock on the door. I was crossing my fingers and hoping that it was Shelly, Renee, or even my brother. I got up and opened the door. Nope. It was Jason. "Go away." I hissed, starting to close the door but he held it open and marched in like he owned the place. "Get the hell out!" I screamed.

"Ashlee..Please. Let me explain." Jason pleaded.

"No need for explaining. I already know. You got in my pants and that's when you leave. That's always when you leave. Once you get the girl's virginity and/or get in her pants you leave. I know you better than you know yourself." I yelled at him.


"Leave!" I screamed at him. He pushed me against the wall. "Let me go."

"Ashlee...I love you. I love you so much I would die for you. I would never do anything to hurt you. It wasn't me. It was Lily. She pulled me in when I was walking down the hall. I know I should've pulled away, but I couldn't. She used my...umm...weak spot and I just can't...I'm sorry. I'm a pig. I know. But Ashlee...Please try to understand. I love you so much. Don't let it end like this. I'm begging you. I would and will do anything for you. Just please, Ash. Please." He begged. I wanted to give in. I really did. He sounded sincere but I was really stubborn.

"If it were me and not you, I wouldn't let any d*mn weakspot get in my way because I love you that much, Jason! I can't beleive you. I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Ash...Please. I can't lose you." Jason whispered. My anger returned.

"Why? Because you know I'm a softie and you know you could get in my pants anytime you wanted?" I demanded.

"No. Of course not. I can't lose you because you are the first girl I have ever loved. I can't explain it. It's complicated. But Ash..Your killing me here. Please..." Jason said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"You hurt me, Jason. Really bad." I whispered to him, opening my eyes. He looked hurt.

"I know, Ash. I am so sorry." Jason whispered back, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I need time to think." I told him. He nodded and let me go.

"Can I stay here. So I can be here when you decide? This is going to sound stupid but I'm afraid your gonna run away." He said. I nodded, thinking it didnt' sound stupid at all. He leaned towards me. "Can I? Just in case....You know....Just in case you decide to not forgive me." Jason asked. I nodded again and his lips pressed against mine. I opened my mouth a little and got lost in the kiss that could possibly be our last. I cried silently while we kissed. He pulled away and went into the living room, leaving me alone in the kitchen. I slid down the wall into a sitting position and put my head in my hands. This was going to be hard.


Awww :( So what do you guys think? Do you think she'll forgive him? I'm kinda peeved at Jason right now though. Who cares about a weak spot, god :l Haha :D Vote and COMMENT! Please comment. It makes me feel like no one is even reading the book. I only get comments constantly from one person. So thank you writer_for_life13 :) I'll post a pic and vid tomorrow cuz I have to go to bed now lol xD

~Selena ♥

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