ugh no

38 4 6

shoulders hurt

people making fun of me

feminine problems

have violin class today don't wanna go

tired af

slightly nauseous

All of those things combined

I mean like why would people make fun of me for having a friend who's a guy?????? like he's the only person in my class I can have an intelligent conversation with????? Guys and girls can be friends wiTHOUT HAVING ROMANTIC INTENTIONS??!?!?!!?!?

Also we had double music today first thing and i COMPLETELY botched that up by not bringing my violin + when i was trying to do my music homework yesterday it was like five minutes to nine and i had PE that day so we were working out on the treadmills and stuff, and as a result i was really really tired

so i just pushed the rolley chair around our office with my face against the back while listening to the song

my dog tried to kiss my face off it was kinda cute

oh yeah and tomorrow is the last day before half-term break

We're going to scotland

To miss halloween for the second year in a row (last year we went to Paris and tbh it was amazing)


i am just so done

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