Asvoria AU idea
This is a world where Avy was never kidnapped and instead spiralled into a sort of insanity brought on by her isolation and illness. Her overprotective father kept her cooped up until he died when Asvoria was twenty-nine. By this time Avy was a neurotic, depressed mess and had developed sociopathic tendencies. She ended up going into buisness and, through careful maipulation and skill, managed to run a company. She killed herself eighteen years later.
This Asvoria is a messed-up introvert with suicidal thoughts, not at all the upbeat and daring Asvoria that was kidnapped by Damon.
SkippyTheMudkip i do so enjoy making her depressing.
The Randomness of Rainbow Phoenix
NezařaditelnéMy first randomness book!!!!! Uh... lots of stuff, I guess. Announcements and all that. and i leave you with some words of wisdom "Are you a skid or a quid" - SkippyTheMudkip, 2015