Docters Appointment

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Marcus P.O.V

I woke up early the morning after the game. We didn't have to be at the airport till one pm but I had a lot of thinking to do. Im completely ok with getting married but a baby this soon. We planned to wait till after she made 20 next year to be married but I'm not ready for a child. If she is pregnant I will still love her but I just don't think it's right for us right now.

Continuing to think about my new life ahead of me I packed our bags so Bella didn't have to do any when she got up.

A few minutes after 10 am Bella woke up and walked into the living room.

Bella: What's wrong honey why did you get up so early?

Marcus: Just got up to pack and make sure we wouldn't leave anything.

Bella: Ok. You never told me how you felt about my news.

Marcus: I'm excited, I hope you are.

I hate to lie to Bella but I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Bella: I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, will you come?

Marcus: Anything for you


Bella P.O.V

Bella: Home sweet home

Marcus: I'm so happy to be home now we can make as much noise as we want

Bella: Im tired baby not now

Marcus: Your no fun. I wanted to ask you yesterday did my mom and dad ever make it to the game?

Bella: Your mom did and she brought Meagan

Marcus: You have got to be freakin kidding me

Bella: I had them both escorted out. I should have pressed charges with her violating the restraining order.

Marcus: You did the right thing

It was time for my doctors appointment and I was nerves as hell. I hope that I'm not pregnant I'm not ready for a baby I'm only 19 we don't even have a stable income right now. I'm trying to hope cause I know how bad Marcus wants this.

Dr.Johnson: So Ms.Bella it came back negative for pregnancy but looking at your test we do have some problems we need to discuss. Can we talk in private?

Marcus: I'm her fiancé why do I need to leave?

Bella: It's ok just step out for a second

Dr.Johnson: Well Bella have you been having any abdominal pain?

Bella: A little after sex

Dr. Johnson: The problem is I'm guessing you might have a cyst on one or both of you ovaries.

Bella: What does that mean?

Dr.Johnson: Theirs a chance you could have ovarian cancer and a change of infertility

My heart dropped when she told me and I burst in tears.

Dr.Johnson: Would you like me to tell your fiancé?

All I could do was nod my head yes.


Marcus P.O.V

I would back in the room and Bella's head was hanging low.

Marcus: Baby what's wrong?

Dr.Johnson: Mr.Carter theirs a chance that Bella could have ovarian cancer and a change of infertility.

Marcus: What can we do?

Dr.Johnson: We can find out today if I'm right by a x ray if Bella wants to.

Bella nodded her head yes and they left to go to the x ray room. I waited for what felt like hours in the waiting room. What could take an x ray this long?

Nurse: Is their a Marcus Carter here?

Marcus: That's me what's taking so long?

Nurse: Her pain was not caused by what we thought was a cyst butBella is pregnant but the baby is growing in her Fallopian tube, the x ray reviled internal bleeding and she fainted in the x ray room she was rushed to the OR.

I had no words to say not only was the life of Bella in danger but the life of our child was too.

*****************************************Updates back to back wow. Do you think Bella will b ok? What will happen to the baby?

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