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Bella P.O.V

I walked into the bed room with the lunch I had brought us when I seen a older man and lady sitting on the sofa with Marcus

Marcus slowly stood up and walk to me. I had several bags in my hands including clothes. Marcus sat the bags down In the corner of the room and grab my hand and lead me to the bed. He sat down first then pulled me in his lap.

Marcus: Mom,Dad I would like you to meet my girlfriend Bella.

He kissed me on the cheek and I shyly waved.

Ms.Carter: Girlfriend? What happen to my dear Megan

Marcus: We broke up last summer and she was the one that shot me

Ms. Carter: My word this thing here must have been the reason.

Marcus: Mother look don't talk about her like that you don't even know her.

Ms.Carter: Well Bella. How old are you?

Bella: Im 18

Ms.Carter: Are you aware my son is 19 nearly 20?

Bella: Yes

Mr.Carter: Go easy on her Lucy

Ms.Carter: Im just getting to know her like our son requested. So how did you meet my son?

Bella: I ran into him at the football party but didn't speak. The next day we spoke in our French class.

Ms. Carter: So you have been knowing my son for 3 months? Are you a virgin?

Bella: Yes and no, Marcus was my first

After admitting that fact Marcus wrapped his arms around my waist and held tight.

Ms.Carter: So your standards are so low you have sex with a guy after 3 months?

Tears began fall down my cheeks and hears anger erupt from Marcus's chest

Marcus: THAT'S A GOT DAMN ENOUGH. How dare you speak to her in that way Bella is no where near low standards and yes we have been knowing each other for 3 months but I love you to death and we didn't have sex we made love in this very bed last night for the first time in her life and I would never do her wrong. I wanted this to be a nice visit but you ruined it. Dad I love y'all be I'm asking you to leave my apartment.

After hearing Marcus speak to his mother like that over me I was even more in tears and I didn't think he felt that way. I'm so happy to have him.

Ms.Carter: Marcus Andrew Carter Jr. How dare you speak to you mother in that manner I raised you better than that.

Mr.Carter: Lucy respect him he is a grown man lets leave.

Marcus: You raised me better than that? You mean the nannies and dad raised me better than that. You were never there for me dad made it to a few of my games and I respect that effort from him but YOU never made it. It was always I have this client I have this party.

Mr.Carter: Son that's enough I'll come see you later.

His mother left out screaming crying I felt so bad. He grabbed his food and began to eat and I did the same.

After a moment of silence I spoke.

Bella: I'm sorry to cause all this trouble.

Marcus: Baby, its not your fault things have always been tense.

Bella: Did you take your medication?

Marcus: Yea. You wanna get out the house?

Bella: Your on bed rest for the rest of the week.

Marcus: I'm fine. I wanna take you out somewhere. We have never been on a real date.

Bella: Ok where we going?

Marcus: Well ill treat you to a Mani and pedi and then dinner.

Bella: Are you sure?

Marcus: Yes my game is Saturday and they finally have a girlfriend area I want you to look your best. Even though you're beautiful just the way you are.

He kissed me on the cheek and got out the bed. He grabbed some towels and lead me to the bathroom. He ran a bubble bath for the both of us and we climbed in. His hands explored my body under the water as my head rested on his chest. I looked up a him and kissed his lips. What was supposed to be a small peck turned in to a fight for dominance. I turned around straddled him sliding him to a tight fit inside me. I rocked back and forth on his hard cock. A deep groan escaped his mouth as he threw his head back. He grabbed my hips and helped to move my hips to match his new thrusting movements. I reach my climax exploding in the water and he came right after. We laid there regaining our breath then he bathed my body and I bathed his. We climbed out the tub got dress and was out the door.

I drove since he is still a bit hurt. He told me the directions to a spa not to far from his place. I noticed some familiar faces which happen to be guys from his football team.

Bella: What's going on here?

Marcus: I didn't want to tell you before we got here but its the Wildcat Girls meeting.

Bella: And what's that

Marcus: Its a club for the girlfriends of the football team and since I'm the quarterback you are the president.

Bella: You have to be kidding me?

Marcus: Not at all

He then handed me a sash that read Wildcat Girls President and my name down the back along with a crown.


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