No More Waiting

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Marcus P.O.V

Second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour the time ticked by. I sat in the waiting room a mess. Dried tear stains streaked my face. I hadn't said a word in three hours.

Lucas: Dude say something

I just hung my head low. Not only did I break her virginity but get her pregnant and landed her in the hospital. What will I do if she doesn't make it? Could I ever love again?

Nurse: Marcus Carter?

I waved for Lucas to go I couldn't bare hear any news right now. I called him to be here for me nobody knew more bout our relationship then him.

Lucas: We can go back and see her.

I finally stood up and walked back to Bella's room. When we got to the room Dr.Johnson had just finished hooking up her I.V.

Dr.Johnson: Mr.Carter can I talk to you for a minute?

Marcus: K

Dr.Johnson. We were able to stop the bleeding but she will be on birth control for at least a year to let her Fallopian tubes heel. We were not able to save the baby being that it was only 3 months old, it would have not survived a full pregnancy. Please no sex for three months. No heavy lifting for three months. No alcohol or smoking and bed rest for at least a week because her pain killers will be strong. We are keeping her over night just to monitor her. Have her back in two weeks for check up.

Marcus: ok

I was very happy Bella was ok but sad the baby was lost. I kissed Bella on the cheek and her beautiful eyes fluttered open.

Bella: Hey baby

Marcus: How you feeling?

Bella: Ok I can feel a little pain. The pills are still kicking in.

Marcus: You know what happen right?

Her face instantly went into a frown.

Marcus: Baby I'm sorry

Bella: Its ok we weren't ready anyway just wish it didn't happen like this.

Marcus: Their keeping you over night. Do you want anything to eat?

Bella: Go home and rest you don't need to stay.

Marcus: Im not leaving your side babe. Ill go get you anything you want just let me know.

Bella: I just want a milkshake

Me and Lucas hopped in the car and head to Sonic to get Bella's shake.

Lucas: Im proud of you bro

Marcus: What you mean

Lucas: I've been knowing you since we were freshman and I've never seen you care about one girl so much. You've always been a player and now I see you growing into a man.

Lucas was right back in high school I was the biggest player I had a knew girl every week. But Bella she was something different I couldn't want anyone but her.

When we got back to the hospital Bella was fast asleep. I sat her shake on the bed table, grabbed the blanket and went to sleep on the sofa.


Bella P.O.V

I woke up early that to see Marcus sleeping on the sofa. I could have never imaged one the first day of school I would be engaged to Marcus. My life had changed in many ways sense I met him and I couldn't be happier. I wonder what next year will bring


I've made the decision that this is the end of the book. Ill think about doing a book two but as of right now this is the end. Thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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