only a dream...

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The night was upon the earth as we know it. The stars innocents was to be envious of and the birds who danced honestly and gracefully in the moonlight were to be envied by everyone only more. I walked back towards to barracks, sleeping quarters, whatever anyone even called them. I just wanted my bed. After the other day i was to be appointed the authority of captain, but with the recent movement of the Jade group it would be more likely for me to be targeted. though i was given a small 'squad', if you would call it that, to command and watch over. They were newbies from the top 30 of the 104th trainee squad, or what was left of them.

What were they thinking, sending them out into battle as early as they did? we had enough soldiers to wipe the titans out without those brats getting in the way. Were they just bait? knowing erwin, that's entirely possible. I stubbed my toe on a root bulging out from the ground, almost tripping. It hurt so bad! these boots are not comfortable. at all. my eyes welled up and I sat against the tree, scolding myself for crying over my stubbed toe. I huffed a small laugh. honestly this is pathetic. Its funny how little thing can trigger so many repressed memories. just the thought of even crying made me want to cry over all of the other things when there was no need. ugh, I'm lame. The sound of footsteps were audible to me as was a calm, deeply soothing voice, "Why aren't you sleeping? You do know there's training tomorrow." levi surprisingly took a seat next to me on the ground leaning against the tree. I stayed silent not knowing what to say to the man. I held my knees to my chest leaning my head on my knees.

"I don't know." I don't know why i was unable to sleep. I wanted to but I guess I was too scared.

"why not?" he asked i was taken back by how he kept his cool. If this was any normal conversation i feel like he would get ticked off.

"i don't know," I knew full well why, I thought i was strong enough to hide everything, too weak to let my guard down, even around a guy like levi. I guess he's not as uptight as they make him out to be...

"okay." that's what he said. that's it, he was okay that i didn't want to tell him. That I flat out refused a request. he asked, I refused. I couldn't wrap that around my head, dear lord i was terrific... *sarcasm*

I find it almost funny, the situation here... his presence was comforting. The Atmosphere was serene and calm, I love this. The quiet was rare in the survey corps :/ but gee, it was neat.

I was tired, exhausted and my head was pounding, a lean towards levi and rested my head on his shoulder. His eyes widened at the gesture but he draped his arm around my shoulder. It was as if troubles had faded out of sight, I could finally rest.

The dream... it was now. Happening again and again. More death... This time it wasn't just me though. It's the people i had cherished once upon a time, mom and dad. I watched as more hounds tore them from the inside, there stomachs twisting and turning as the hounds tore out from the inside. lots of blood spilled everywhere. I was unable to feel any emotion as I watch my mom and dad me completely mutilated by the canine.

I knew that they would be after me again if I didn't run now. My hair blew around violently as The Crow swooped above me. I looked up my eyes wide and my legs stretching further to reach any where that might be safe. The Crow landed straight in front of me causing me to stop, almost tripping over my feet. "follow me," he mouthed. How in the world could he 'mouth' something, A beak shouldn't be that flexible... Things were quite strange in my version of what alice would have called "wonderland", what an odd dream. I ran after the raven-like bird it lead me to a large river, seemingly no end. i couldn't see past it. The ocean! this is what it looked like... the water was blood red due to the sky's permanent rust colour. I reached in to touch the water, A large animal, long and slim, black with twisting spines that danced around its body. I yelped and leapt back almost hitting the ground only to keep falling backwards, seemingly no end to the drop.

Finally, i hit the ground and awoke in a cold sweat. My heart beat so fast I could feel it all over my body. My stomach twisted and I placed my hand over my mouth and leaned towards the trash bin and... well I needn't go that into detail. My hands were shaking more than ever. Tears at the edge of my eyes begged to be shed.

My hands gripped the sheets, I felt lost, not knowing where I was for a few moments. The room then became slowly familiar and I noticed it was my own. I sighed, half in relief, half in defeat. It's not a good dream. I was broken beyond repair, I had finally cracked, mentally I was drained of everything i wanted, whether it be freedom or just to be happy. I hated it, I hated the way I felt so angry towards the world. I stood up only to punch the wall next to me, my knuckles instantly became blood covered due to the concrete walls. I cursed under my breath and sank to the floor gripping my own blood stained hand, dripping on to the wooden floor boards.

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