Part 1 (Sorry Guys!)

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October 22, 2012

I know, I know, I’ve been writing an excess amount of letters lately. I also came up with another reason to create these, when people search my room if I’m ever murdered they will find my secret box that I keep these letters in. Then they may be able to find clues in these as to who did it. I do tell you a lot about people that are mad at me just seems right. 

I’m in CE right now. I really hate this class. How come people are so close minded? There are things out there besides the Bible! I’m not even sure what religion I am. So confused. I think I’m going to convert to Confucianism. I’ve studied it before and I agree with much what it says. I mean COME ON! Why do people have to think there is only one explanation for things? I want out. I’m starting to lose my mind. 

I’ve been thinking about other things too. You know how earlier I wrote to you about Jordyn? I have to break up with him. My parents are suddenly strict since they believe they have a bad reputation with the other parents. They made up a new rule that I cannot date until high school now. I’m hoping maybe he will wait because I really do like him. I hate to admit it, but its true. I want to stay with him but I will face some pretty bad punishment if I do so I’m trying to think about how to tell him. He knows about my parents but I’m wondering if he will actually wait. We really only have like one semester to go before I’m allowed again. I guess we will see. Then I can write to you about it. 

I’ll tell you about some good things now because I know that my last letters were depressing as was that paragraph. I’m very opinionated, especially about depressing things. I like to talk about them. ;)

So, on Saturday, I had my first date. At least, I count it as a date. It was also my last date but you know, whatever. Enjoy it while you can. We went to dinner (pizza), ice cream, then a haunted house (the vault). BEST NIGHT EVER! At dinner Jordyn showed me what his old house in Orlando looked like. His family must be rich because that thing looked like the Biltmore. He also apparently has a house in Africa...yeah. I’m a little jealous. The pizza was great. We had Bertolo’s which I think may now be my favorite pizza joint. Too bad its farther away from my house. Then, we met more of our friends and went for ice cream at Marble Slab. Waverly and Austin were so cute! He paid for her ice cream and they sat together and it looked like absolute bliss. You know how when people love each other they smile with their eyes when they are around that person? Even when they are sad or angry? They have that. Its beautiful. We then walked back to The Vault of Horror. Waverly, Charlotte, and Danielle refused to go in. It made it a little awkward because then people were clinging to Waverly’s boyfriend. Jaimie and I were both clinging to Jordyn. I was holding his hand and hiding my face against his chest. I’m actually a little surprised that he didn’t burst an eardrum. Jordyn was laughing the whole time. That comforted me a bit because I knew he was there. I’m going to miss that. The good thing is that we will remain friends, like Waverly and Austin. Waverly isn’t allowed to date so I like to think that Jordyn and I will have the same kind of relationship. Its like dating but without the title. I made Jordyn’s finger bleed though. Remember how I said I was holding his hand? Yeah, I may have dug into his finger with my nails...oops! I want to do the same thing again next year though. Not the finger thing but the Haunted House part.  It was actually very romantic despite the various murder victims surrounding us. It was sweet. Plus, next year I can actually call it a date! Eep! I can’t wait! As soon as 8th grade graduation is over I am going to run over to Jordyn and give him a giant hug. That is, if he isn’t dating someone else. I do hope he isn’t. That would ruin my entire year. Seriously. 

You should expect a lot of letters to come but not as many as usual. I just got a Facebook so I’ve been kind of focused on figuring out how to do things on that. For now though, thats what I have to say. I promise I will tell you what Jordyn says later.

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