Chapter Seventeen

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Bes' hands clenched, unclenched, and then clenched back up again. His jaw set and his dark brown eyes shone with blazing fury. Bailey could feel the mixed emotions of sadness, anger, and betrayal radiating off of him. She could tell that he was using all of his strength in that moment to not do anything rash, but that was slowly dwindling as he began to stand, getting ready to reveal their current hiding place.

Bailey quickly grabbed his hand and, with surprising force, pulled him roughly back down to the ground. He turned his angry glare towards her but she didn't even flinch.

"Don't you even consider doing what I know you were about to do, Bes!" She whispered bitterly. Her light coloured eyes scrutinizing him on his stupidity. "That is not a smart move and you know it! Don't be all gung-ho, Bes. Don't do something so damned foolish. Do you have a death wish?"

He felt taken aback by her words. "No."

"Well then." She started, pausing as she peered through the crack of one of the crates for a moment or so, before continuing on with her lecture. "Stay down and shut the fuck up! I'm not willing to be some creepy guy's plaything nor do I want my future husband to be killed."

Bes understood fully what she was saying, though he couldn't help but feel torn as he, too, peered through the same crack to the monsters that were mere feet away from them. A wave of emotions crashed through him all at once. He just could not fathom the idea of his friend and supposedly his most trusted vizier was planning on committing treason. He wanted to take their lives, but he knew that he couldn't do that, not with Bailey there. He would not put her in danger.

He relaxed a fraction, listening to them for a moment, but couldn't make out what they were saying as the two men made their way down another alleyway, their voices dying in the late night as they distanced themselves unknowingly further away from their target.

They sat there a few moments, listening to see if they would return, and when they did not Bes snuck out from behind the crate, followed quickly by Bailey.

They did not speak. Bes rubbed his face out of frustration, his mind racing over the unexpected news that they have heard, his eyes never leaving the spot where the two men had stood. When his attention turned to Bailey he noted how her face was void of any emotions. Not a damn thing showed. This somehow made Bes feel awfully suspicious.

She jumped when she saw Bes advancing on her, "Did you know about this?" He hissed.

Bailey's mouth dropped open, feeling offended by his accusation. Her hazel eyes narrowed on him. "If I knew about this fiasco against you, Bes, I would have told you a long fucking time ago. Do you really think I want to become some sort of sex slave to that idiot? Hell, do you think I want you dead? I know we've had our arguments and different opinions on certain subjects but I would never wish death on you."

She turned away from him, letting out an irritated breath and started to pace back and forth.

Bes kept his mouth wisely shut when she began muttering profanities. He thought about her words, and knew that she was telling the truth. She may be bold, but a liar was clearly not one of them-at least he didn't think she was.

She surprised him with a look of determination when she stopped and turned her full attention to him. Quickly, she grabbed both of his hands, and looked right into his eyes, giving them both an assuring squeeze as she spoke in a quiet voice. "We will get through this Bes, I promise. First, though, we need to develop a plan."

"And what would that be?"

"I have an idea that I hope will work but let's get back to the palace so I can see if the device I have will work. Don't give me that look, we need to get a plan in motion and doing so out in the open is the wrong way of doing so. Come on."

His eyes studied her for a mere moment before they took off through the darkest shadows back to the palace grounds. When there the guards only looked at them, but not one word was spoken. Bailey supposed it was because they knew their place and questioning the King of Egypt-especially one that is known for being merciless, for punishing anyone who disobeyed, annoyed, angered, or even questioned him.

Bailey knew that he had done all those things and then some, but the worse that he had ever done to her was keep her in the dungeon, and the length of time she was there wasn't even that long. She wondered why he had softened his punishment with her more than anyone else. Perhaps the historians were wrong with their assumptions about Bes.

Quickly, she shook the thought out of her mind, focusing back on the present. With haste, they made their way through the corridors, all of which were almost all deserted, except for a few servants still cleaning the floors.

As they reached Bailey's room she instructed Bes to close the doors so that no one would eavesdrop. She knew that he didn't need to be told twice, so she left him in order to fetch her bag that was under her bed. Grabbing it, she emptied its contents onto the mattress.

Bes met her at the end of the bed as she grabbed a strange thin box thing, a beautiful dark blue design that reminded him of the design on a zebra-an animal that was extremely rare to have in Egypt. He pointed to it. "What is that?"

"It's called a cellular phone. You can communicate with people either far away or close. But, what's special about this particular one is that it also has a camera. Which means, I can record an exact moment, anything that is said, and any action that is done, it records everything."

"What shall we do then?"

Bailey gave him a lopsided grin. "Let's catch them in the act and then put them on trial. Let's beat them at their own game. Besides, practically everyone knows that I am from the future anyway, so what harm could it do?"

Bes thought about this piece of information for a few moments. "Sounds reasonable, but wouldn't that change how history were to turn out if you use anything from your time?"

A perfect brow arched. "Didn't you say earlier that you didn't care? That you were the Pharaoh? Or am I mistaken?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it shut, knowing that she was right. "You are correct."

She set the device back down with her things and went over, standing in front of him. "So what has changed your mind, Bes? Why do you suddenly care?"

Her arms folded across her chest as she stared right into his eyes, waiting for him to answer her. "Well?"

Growing up he had been taught that there are moments where actions spoke louder than words-this was one of those moments. Unfolding his arms he took a few steps forward before slightly towering over his bride.

He cupped her cheeks, and looked into her beautiful light-coloured eyes as she looked back up at him. Leaning down he kissed her passionately, he smiled, feeling her melting into him. Mere seconds passed before he pulled away and couldn't help but feel amused by the dazed expression on her face.

"That is why."

Bailey gasped, her eyes widening, and her mouth open from shock. "What?"

"That is why I care." He whispered, "I care about our future together. You have changed me since the moment we first met, Bailey, my Hemet. If I do die before we wed, I wanted to let you know."

"Bes," she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. Normally she was not an emotional person, but Bes somehow knew how to bring those out of her, whether it is intentional or not.

Placing a hand upon his cheek, she caressed it. "Never say that. You are going to be fine and we will kick their asses. Now, we just to need to work out our plan and how we're going to execute it."

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