Chapter 20

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"I desperately want to move on, but I don't know how. Please help me."

I couldn't even concentrate on my readings because his words kept on echoing in my head. Worse, it had already been two weeks!

"May kasalanan ba sa 'yo 'yang readings mo, Steff, at sobrang sama ng tingin mo r'yan?" Jess said, pulling me from that thought.

"N-no, nahihirapan lang akong kabisaduhin," I hurriedly said as an excuse.

"Ayan, paano two weeks ka nang nag-aaral. Wala nang space sa utak mo for new information," sabat ni Alice.

"Oh, our orders are ready. I'll just get them."

Nandito kami ngayon sa isang café para mag-aral dahil next week na ang finals. Ayaw nila sa library dahil hindi raw kami makakapag-usap kaya naghanap na lang kami ng coffee shop na wala masyadong tao at hindi ganoon kaingay.

True, I was studying for two weeks already, but the distractions were far stronger. Every time I read the word move from my notes and readings, I would remember his plea and what happened in the library that day. Ni hindi ko nga alam kung paano ako nakaalis nang hindi nagpa-panic dahil hindi ko in-expect 'yon mula sa kanya.

I had been confused about my own feelings for quite some time now, and hearing that sent me to a higher level of perplexity.

Isang malalim na buntonghininga ang pinakawalan ko dahil hindi na naman ako makapag-focus. Come on, Steff, the final exams are a week away. Be a good student and study hard!


To say that the finals week was a period of maelstrom was an understatement. Almost everyone had dark circles under their eyes. Students were walking like zombies, and some were already in a state of giving up. Even the campus princes and princesses were no exemptions.

It was a big deal because most students came from affluent families, and it would be an embarrassment if they couldn't pass their subjects. Especially those who were on the top ranks.

The pressure was incredibly high, and even though Dad said I would do well, it was still nerve-racking. I had to pull simultaneous all-nighters to make sure I could ace every test and during the last day, I was ready to pass out.

Gustung-gusto ko nang matulog pero walang susundo sa akin dahil magkasama si Dad at kuya Ronald. He had to attend a conference in Baguio, and because it would be a long drive, kuya Ronald had to take the wheels.

I went to the library, hoping that there would be a free space to nap, but it was full, and some were already sitting on the floor. Dahil desperado na akong matulog ay nagtungo ako sa music room. Walang gumagamit no'n ngayon dahil tapos na kahapon pa ang practicals ng BS Music students. Fortunately, the room was unlocked.

Halos pabagsak na akong humiga sa couch at sobrang bigat na ng mga talukap ko. I didn't even bother removing my bag. The moment my body hit the couch, my consciousness immediately slipped away.


I suddenly felt a little chilly, so I pulled the comforter closer to my neck. Did I lower the temperature of the aircon in my room?

It took me a moment to realize that I wasn't in my room, and I had fallen asleep somewhere. Napabalikwas ako nang bangon nang makita ko ang jacket na nakapatong sa katawan ko at nakita ko ang isa pang tao sa may kabilang dulo ng couch.

Darryl was sleeping on a sitting position. His arms were crossed over his chest and his head was laying uncomfortably on the couch's headrest.

I wasn't sure how to react. Was he here before me? O saka siya pumasok noong tulog na ako?

Campus Royalties (Kingdom University, #1) | Published under Psicom PublishingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon