Chapter 28

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The dream I had was terrifying.

I remembered sinking slowly into an endless and dark abyss, desperately calling my friends' names to ask for help. However, no one could hear me. My trembling voice was just echoing around the vast darkness. I miserably sobbed, knowing that I would die alone, but then a hand appeared out of nowhere and gently pulled me up.

"I'm here," he whispered as he carried our weights upward, and a moment later, I finally saw a light.


I woke up coughing out water and gasping for air. My body felt heavy, and I was so disoriented that it took me a few minutes to regain my senses.

Worried looks came into my view, with Ven sobbing in front of me. I tried to recall what happened, and the last thing I could remember was sinking in the water. Then, somebody called my name and rushed to me before I lost consciousness.

Oh, god, I was alive.

Saka ko lang na-realize na mayroong nakayakap sa akin. He was gently caressing my back, as if silently reassuring me that everything was okay.

"You're okay now," the guy hugging me, who turned out to be Darryl, whispered in trembling voice. "But please do not do that again. You scared me to death."

I could feel his racing heart against my chest. I would have pushed him away if I were in my normal state, but instead I weakly returned the hug. He saved my life, and I would forever be grateful for that.


For the next few minutes, I was in a state of stupor, and only woke up from it when we were already in the nearby hospital. I vaguely remembered Alice and Jess coming with me in the ambulance, and the nurses running a test to check my condition. After regaining my cognitive awareness, the doctor started talking to me.

"Other than the bruises on the back of your arms, your test results are normal," she reported. "Fortunately, you were pulled out before you could inhale and ingest a lot of water and was given a proper CPR. However, you need to rest for tonight."

Tumango naman ako sa mga sinabi niya at nagbigay lang din siya ng reminders kung ano ang mga dapat kong gawin. Meanwhile, the two insisted that I should stay here, but I protested. May chance pa na malaman ng parents ko ang nangyari kung magpapa-confine ako at sabi naman ng doctor ay puwede na akong sa bahay na lang magpahinga kaya 'yun ang gagawin ko.

"Sure ka ba?" tanong ni Alice habang palabas kami sa hospital.

"Yeah. Ayaw ko ring mag-stay rito."

"Fine, pero magpapahinga ka lang talaga ngayong gabi ha?"

I gave her a weak smile. "Oo, wala na rin naman akong lakas para gumalaw pa."

Nagtawag si Jess ng taxi dahil hindi naman na namin kasama sa rest house ang driver nila kanina at hinatid lang talaga kami ro'n. Kahit hesitant pa akong sumakay ng taxi dahil sa nangyari before ay wala akong choice ngayon.

Few minutes later, we came back to the rest house, and everyone was waiting for us.

Ven immediately hugged me. "Ate, are you okay already?"

"Yeah. Sorry for worrying you," I whispered, and I saw her holding back her tears.

"Is she really okay?" tanong naman ni Yna kay Alice.

"Pinayagan naman siya ni doc na umuwi pero kailangang magpahinga."

Kinumusta rin ako nina Tricia, Patrick, at Roj at inulit ko lang ang mga sinabi kanina ng doctor. Ngayon ko lang din nakita si Patrick na ganoon ka-worried kaya medyo nagulat ako. He must have been scared to witness such accident.

Campus Royalties (Kingdom University, #1) | Published under Psicom PublishingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon