On Air

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He said that I was special to him. I'm special to him. Honestly, I felt like crying. I was happy. He made me feel special from first glance, and that one night.
He was special to me, too. He was beautiful, handsome, intelligent and accepting. He didn't fear me when he saw my tattoos glow, he was curious. He wanted to learn about me, more than my surface or dissect me. Well, maybe dissect me, but I have self-respect and wouldn't let him do it. No matter how much he'd say he'll be gentle.
As we downed many, many bottles of drinks, I told him about the mirrors and the flickering people in the corner of my eye that I couldn't see. More time passed, a few more cups, a few more questions. He just wanted to here about me, not one thing about the abnormalities of me. He told me some about him, how he grew up attached to his rusty old microscope. He only went outdoors to get samples of things to look at since he got it.
"I begged my parents to get me the top of the line microscope at the time," he started "I agreed with them that I wouldn't get birthday gifts for the next five years. So I didn't. I was fine, all I did on my birthday anyways was look at the particles in my cakes. I wrote down details of every single thing I looked over and it took over ten 70 page journals until a better microscope was produced." I nodded along. He was interesting. His past, and what he wants for the future.
Carlos brushes back his hair and his inch-wide strand of grey hair glistens in the light only coming from the kitchen. It was now, finally, looking like it was getting late. It was actually dark outside!
"Science was the only subject I did good in," he continued. "I always regretted when I didn't finish something and forgot to turn it in, which only happened like twice in all the years I went to school. I still deeply regret it."
Our education system here was complex. On the days the classrooms were clear from clouds, everything went up the charts. Seeing the Glow Cloud has enrolled it's puffs into the classes since it has joined the school board, it was harder to learn than when I was in school. I was a good student for the most part, I could see through the clouds so I got a Master's Degree in communications and speech, so that's the only reason I've been at the station for so long. No one can find a replacement that can be better than me so they've decided to keep me, well says Station Management. Any good screams and gurgles and groans from Station Management is the best feeling in the world, besides being with the person you love.
"I always thought I was a good student," I started to spill, "seeing that my eyes are more advanced than any other person's, I could see past the clouds in my classrooms."
"Clouds?" He asks.
"Too much to explain, I might explain later." I say and get up to put my wine glass in his sink and rinse it out. Carlos comes up behind me and puts his in the sink as well.
"Do me a favour?" He asks gesturing to his cup. I smile and rinse his out too. He becomes unsteady, and almost falls, but catches himself on the edge of the counter.
"Oh, Carlos, you're drunk."
"You bet I am," he says and laughs then shakes his head. "I'm not. I can still see one of you. It doesn't kick in until later. I have enough time before then to drive you home, seeing that it's getting really late."
"No, Carlos," I refuse his offering. "I've already lost someone who said that one time, I wasn't going with them because we were at a bar. You need to get to bed, I don't want us to get hurt." He sighed.
"You're right. I-It might be a bit much for me." He sighed again and put his hands behind his head and staggered towards the hall that holds his bedroom at the end. He stops and says soberly, "Coming?" I blush hard.
"N-No thank you," I say, "I have work tomorrow and-"
"We're not going to *hic* fuck, Mr. Radio," he said. "Honestly I'm too tired and waaay too drunk for that." He chuckles. I smirk. "Change of mind?"
  I shrug. "Sure." I follow him down and soon I am curled up next to him under cold sheets and he is my body heater.

Mr. Scientist (Cecilos)Where stories live. Discover now