Chen and clouse Facebook posts.

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Chen 14:36 posted:

Yes yes, I understand your hate comments. I just can't get rid of the paparazzi, can I?

Clouse 17:57 posted:

Haha. Jokes. MasterChen very funny. No wonder one of my many fans gave me a shirt that says 'I'm with stupid'

Chen 18:01 replied:

Oh Clousey Clouse, you didn't get that top. Did you? If so. OVER THE SIDE -tagged LordGarmadon in this reply-

Garmadon 18:06 replied:

And why do I get dragged into this? Hmm? This is your fight.

Chen 18:10 replied:

Oh, I'm sorry. I am deeply apologetic.

Clouse 18:11 replied:

No you're not. You're just trying to be an attention seeker, and yes, I did get that top. I'll show you a picture

-Clouse sent a picture-

Chen 18:14 replied:

I don't know what to say..

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