If Jay and Cole were youtubers.

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Jay: *Turns on recording* Hello YouTube~

Cole: *Pouts* he dragged me into this., *Mumbles* the little bastard.

Jay: *ignores his comment* I'm Zappy|ZapTrap, and this is CakeFaceCole, as we welcome you to, da fuck is this again. Oh year, a prank session.

Cole: ok, now I don't regret living :)

Jay: we are gonna prank..

Cole: ZANE!

Jay: Better known as IceyNeenjaZane

Cole: *Smirks evilly*


Zane: *Is recording a video*

Jay & Cole: *Sneak up begin Zane, outing a bucket of ice Cole water on him*


Jay & Cole: *Laughing*

Jay: and that is how you piss of a nindroid XD

Cole; Well, we should go.. We need to run..

Jay and co: BYE! AHHHAHDHJ *Starts running and stops the video*

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