Chapter 5- Two faced

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I hate my alarm clock. It's like a fire alarm every morning but I always forget to get a new one and changed the fucking annoying system. I slapped my palm on the snooze button and lied their on the bed limply.

Today will be the same old day, same old sister going to the studio, same old Nastasia being a bitch. Only thing I'm looking forward today is talking to Cassandra, am I getting too close to her? She said it herself, were best friends.

Even though I only know her for a couple of days now as three days already passed since the day we had sex and I don't remember anything, I kinda am comfortable around her and she's not awkward, like we've known each other for so long now.

I forced myself to get up and the house is eerily silent for this morning. I did my morning routine which is going to the bathroom then walked out, heading towards the kitchen.

No one was here.

I glanced over the clock and its already noon! Wtf! Alex didn't even bother waking me up! Where the heck are my parents?

Well I guess I don't have a choice but to eat cereals. I grabbed cornflakes from the pantry and milk from the fridge, pouring it in a bowl. This sucks! I'm supposed to have a hearty meal right now but what do I get? Cereals.

After brunch, I dumped my dishes in the dishwasher and strolled upstairs. May as well take my time.

I showered for about an hour before heading to the studio where I went straight to Alex's dressing room. No one was there. Where the hell is my family? Like i haven't seen any of them today. I walked back out and shut the door close.

Nastasia was walking towards me as she texted something off her phone, as usual. If you're wondering why my sister or Nastasia are always here in the studio, they're mentoring new models and sometimes have a photoshoot for ads.

I snatched my phone from my pocket and pretended to not see her on my way, purposely bumping onto her. I was waiting for her to lash out but it didn't happen, instead, she was smiling at me.

"Hey Clinton," She said cheerfully, hiding her phone in the pocket of her robe.

"Hey...?" I said awkwardly, with a brow quirk. She's definitely bipolar for sure.

"So how was your night?" She asked interested. Whoa! Nastasia Verona is having a conversation with me!? Did someone punched me by the head and knocked me off? I'm confused.

"It was alright, how about yours?" I smirked, remembering last night where I talked to Cassandra and she fell asleep on me.

"It was good," her smile was contagious and I can't help but smile too.

"Okay, well I have to meet up with my sister," I start to walk off and she nodded, still smiling. Weird... I wonder what's up with her?

I instantly spotted Alex talking to her protege, I made my way towards her and decided to scare her off.

"Fuck!" She jumped up when I poked her sides. "Clinton! What the hell!" My sister swatted my arms instead of giving me a nice sisterly hug. "Oh, this is my brother Kelsey," I peeked over the cute girl sitting on the make up chair and smirked. I can use someone tonight.

"Well hello there Kelsey," I grabbed a chair and placed it beside her.

"Don't touch my intern Clint," Alex said, not facing me. I grinned at her protege as she blushed deeply.

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