One - An Interesting Day and Interesting People

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  • Dedicated to Kevin Zegers


I groan as I am again out of breath from the fight with this man named John Harrison. He is suprisingly strong for a man of his size; he is scrawny and frail. Apparently this is an illusion, however. I am losing horribly against him, even with my phaser. I set it to kill, but the only visible injury is a long scar down his eyebrow, which was obviously from a past battle, possibly with someone like me. Condemned to die.        

I again struggle to stand up as he kicks me. "I have many people behind me, and they can easily defeat you. You do not have the logic to stand down to me, however." I tell him flatly.

He does not care. He is running at me and there is no evasive maneuver available to me. I crouch with my phaser set to kill aimed at his face.

Pew! I shoot the phaser at him. He is blasted off to the side. He struggles to stand, and I position my stance so that I am sitting with my hand clenched around his neck. I shoot him again, and he falls limp. Everyone around me is cheering, and I can not help but put a smile on my face.

Being 1/4 Vulcan, I do not feel emotions as strongly as many humans. My father, James Tiberius Kirk, married a girl on Earth whose name I never learned, but she was obviously 1/2 Vulcan. She died after giving birth to me, letting me only get a glimpse of her face before I popped out of her stomach and she fell off of the bed, lying on the cold, linoleum floor of the hospital.

Thinking about this brought tears to my eyes, but having my Vulcan side was sometimes helpful in these situations. The tears immediately vanished from my eyes, and I stood up with full energy. A girl walks up and taps me on the shoulder and I turn around. I accidentally have a fierce look on my face and I make a type of snarling noise, which frightens her.

"This man never did you any harm. You should not hurt him further." She is two years older than me, which makes it kind of weird for me to be the one with scars and blood on my face.

"I guess you're right. What's your name, by the way?

"Addalynn. Nice to meet you. What's yours?"

" Taylor Kirk. My dad's Jim Kirk. You might have heard of him."

"No, but I'd love to meet him."

"Sorry. He's out exploring in deep space most of the time. He's captain of U. S. S. Enterprise, and he doesn't have much time on his hands. When he comes back to Earth, I'll be sure to let him know that you want to meet him."

"Thanks! I'll see you later." As Addalynn walks away, I hope that we meet each other again sometime. I glare at Harrison while blood trickles down my lip and I limp back into the line of people waiting to receive their documents. Suddenly, Harrison is standing up again, handing out documents.

As John walks up to me, he glares at me and I back away. Then I feel embarrassed that I did this and I stand up to him. He shoves the document into my chest, crumpling it. I glare at him, feeling my ears darken in color. He moves down the line, handing out certificates to people, but he is still glaring at me.

I check my surroundings, something my father taught me. He would always joke that he was making sure that Spock wasn't sneaking up on him with some evil, logical prank, but I knew he was scanning the ship, checking for intruders or rebelling Starfleet recruits aboard the ship. Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me. John smirks, which makes me even more uncomfortable. I whip around, expecting the worst: my father, come to kill me. The first thing I see is his most prominent feature: his ears. His blue shirt and his hair is not a surprise; I had already interpreted who he was at that point.

"Ambassador Spock, what a pleasure to meet you." I say respectfully, failing to keep the huge grin off of my face. I had informed my father that I would love to meet him, and he had obviously gotten the message and helped me greatly by sending him here. "Who is my father's first officer now that you are not on board?" I ask.

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