Eight - The Gothic Fake Blonde and the Warlock

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  • Dedicated to Andrew Scott

"Okay, when Jace showed up with his posse, I assumed they came for me. But Cas, am I really an angel or did you just fall asleep again?"

"Why would I lie about something like that?" His face reminds me of Spock's face when he is confused.

"I don't know. Don't celestial beings get bored sometimes?" I look at him, not even expecting an answer at this point.

"I don't know how to respond to that, but yes, you are an angel." Cas says.

"This isn't possible," Alec whispers, clearly only meant for only Jace, Isabelle, and Clary.

"What isn't possible?" I really need to stop eavesdropping on people.

"You can't be part angel and part Nephilim. It's unheard of,"  Isabelle responded.

"Well, I guess I'm an interesting addition to the Nephilim." I say.

I walk up to Sam and mutter under my breath, "Don't look in there, for the sake of your eyes." I gesture towards the Imapla with my elbow.

Of course, now that I said that, of course, he looks and makes a retching noise and slowly walks away.

"Alright, so where are you guys headed?" I turn back to Jace, Clary, Isabelle, and Alec.

"We have a friend, a warlock," Alec blushes at this, "his name is Magnus. He has a home near here and he can teleport us to the Institute in New York. West 96th street. When we get there, we can check Simon's house, see how he's doing. He's a vampire, so we should visit in the morning; for sure he'll be in his house. After that, we can play by ear." Clary responds while helping Jace clean off his seraph blades.

"Okay. I guess this is where my life is now. Going off with some gothic fake blonde guy with huge ears, may I note, and his posse, going to kill some demons, which may or may not exist." I say sarcastically, but Jace apparently does not understand.

"Demons do exist, and this is not my posse. For the record, my hair is naturally blonde." He adds that last comment on like it is the most important of the three.

"So...I'm with some weird guy that's obsessed with his hair, a gay guy that obviously likes this Magnus guy, Clary, who seems relatively normal, but likes Simon, and Isabelle, who has an amazing fashion sense and seems nice."

"Let's go." Alec shoves past me and Jace, blushing uncontrollably.

I smile wryly, trying to milk the joy out of this moment.

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