Two - The Coming of my Abilities and the Effect of Them

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  • Dedicated to Jared Padalecki (Senor Moose)

Addalynn and Khan were lying in the grass, the top of their heads sawed or cut off. The grass around them was caked with blood, and they had next to no pulse. I'm surprised Khan didn't used his super-regenerating power to not die, but maybe he just wanted to die. I know where he was coming from.

As Spock and I drag the bodies to the nearest roadhouse, we lay them in the yard, which seems like the nicest thing we can do; our time frame is too small to bury them completely.

Checking the transmitter in my back pocket - I'm wearing my Starfleet uniform - I see that my dad had tried to reach me.

I call him back. "Dad?"

"Yeah, Tay?"

"You tried to call me, right?"

"Oh, yeah. Bones ran some tests and now he wants to see that Addalynn girl."

"Well, slight problem. She's dead."

"Alright. Nevermind. Sorry about that. Um, I'm sure he still wants you here, though. You have to run about 2 miles to the west for the transmitter to get a lock on you."

"Alright. See you in a few."


I shut the transmitter, wishing to see my dad immediately. C'mon, Spock."

We start to run, really fast. I have enhanced running powers, apparently. However, there is a lot of sprinting in Starfleet training. As we turn quickly, I run my right hand down to the ground to keep my balance, and it comes back bloody. Though, as I watch, the blood goes away with a swipe of my hand across my palm, and the cuts heal themselves.

I look back at Spock as I keep running, and his hand is still bloody, but green. Vulcans have green blood, F.Y.I. It may gross people out, but I've gotten used to it. Anyway, we run for a while, then stop when my portable GPS, my iPhone, tells me that we've gone two miles, I call my dad and tell him to beam us up.

The transmitter must have malfunctioned. We land on our hands and knees, bloody and clean alike, in a mid-western town. All of the houses have different themes: moderm, western, futuristic, rustic, Victorian.

Spock is with me, but we are obviously not on the Enterprise. "Spock, where are we?" I look at him with worry in my face.

"I do not know. But the transporter malfunctioned massively. I believe we are the only beings in this wasteland."

"I have a feeling you're wrong, buddy." I comment as I see a shadow move behind one of the Victorian houses. I immediately spring towards it. Apparently one of my abilities is acting ridiculously on impulse.

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