Chapter Two: I Hope I Brushed My Teeth.
Boy, had I been missing out.
I know this is totally cliche, but fireworks exploded everywhere. The softness of his lips combined with the pressure of his touch lit me on fire. I curled my fingers in his hair, relishing in it's fluffiness.
He deepened the kiss and one hand slid to my waist. Warning lights went off and realization hit. What was I doing kissing some boy at the supermarket? Sure, he stood up for me, but that didn't mean I had to turn into some sap.
At least I had an amazing first kiss.
But it was time to end it. I pushed at his chest and separated his lips from mine. His eyes were glazed over and his lips were parted. He bent his head towards mine again, but I stood up before he could reach me. I pulled him up with me (finally) and dared to take a peek at Brittany.
She could have been breathing fire.
I mean, Hades looked pretty dang awesome compared to her. I could easily imagine her with a pair of horns on her head. Add a flaming tail and there you go.
But what really threw me for a loop was the fact that my stepdad, Keith, was Right. Behind. Her.
And he was seething.
That's when I felt the panic bloom in my chest. He wouldn't do anything right now, in public would he? Someone could report him.
I guess I was wrong.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? I get a haircut and come back to find you sharing spit with some delinquent?"
He took three determined steps until my nose was 2 cm away from his chest.
"You will learn from your mistake. No daughter of mine will be seen shacking it up in the grocery store. What kind of image does that give?"
He pushed me, knocking me to the floor.
He went on.
"Think of your family, Cassidy. Don't be so selfish."
I didn't think he would actually hit me in public. He was worried about his image, and yet he didn't think getting arrested for abuse would tarnish it?
Ash's face was contorted into a look of guilt and regret. He spoke up.
"Sir, it wasn't her fa-"
"I don't want to hear it, son. You don't have to take the blame for something my daughter was clearly responsible for. "
"I'm not your son. And clearly... you have some issues you need to deal with."
"Fine, I'll do it your way. Cassidy?"
I squinted up at his towering height.
"Who started it? You or this boy?"
He was playing me. I knew it before the words came out of his mouth. If I said it was Ash, he would either call me a liar or threaten to beat him up in the parking lot. He knew I hated violence. So he knew I would say I was the one who started it.
"Me. I kissed him," I admitted.
"No, sir I-" Ash began but Keith cut him off.
"I think I've heard enough. Let's go, Cassidy. Your mother will be worried sick if we don't get you home soon."
Now he was the concerned parent.
Ash reached down and helped me up. As soon as I was standing, Keith wrapped his fingers tightly around my arm, yanking me from Ash's comforting hands. I whimpered. It felt like he really stretched a ligament.
How would I make it through dance class this time?
I glanced at Brittany again, and although she looked a little shocked, her expression showed she was happy about what just took place. A wicked smile grew on her lips and she waved her little fingers.
"Ta ta, Cass Cass. Looks like I win again."
Keith dragged me down the isle, leaving Ash with his pile of food. Worry was etched on his face. He was the first person to take up for me. Everyone else at school simply ignored it or snickered in the corner.
He was different.
I watched him over my shoulder until we left the store.
A/N: What'd ya think? Like it? Hate it? Let me know! I'll try to update more frequently the more comments/votes I get to continue the story.

Pure Chance: How One Person's Love Makes A Difference (Purity Collection)
Teen FictionCassidy loves to dance. It's her dream. But sometimes life can get in the way. Dealing with physical abuse at home and verbal abuse at school, she feels broken and unwanted. Her only friend, Emily, and her little sister, Paisley, are the threads be...